vi: awakening

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Jaehyung turned to look around and met the eyes of a person wearing a mask as they went to stab him. Just as he did so, his hand went in contact with Jeongsuk.

It seemed as if a bomb exploded. White light burst from Jeongsuk's body and it seemed like he was glowing in pure brightness. Jaehyung's body reacted to it, a shadow forming around him as a shield. He looked at the person with a mask who suddenly got pushed back by the force of the light and was currently unconscious.

"H-help me!" Jeongsuk cried out in absolute terror as he stared at his own body.

Jaehyung stared at him in amazement. They both made eye contact. One filled with horror and another shining with astonishment.

"What's happening to me?"

"You've awakened your elemental gifts," Jaehyung responded. "Do not fret as all will pass."

Except, perhaps it was the time to worry. On his peripheral vision, Jaehyung could see even more figures heading to both him and Jeongsuk.

What the hell was going on? None of this certainly happened during the novel. Why now of all days did they target Jeongsuk.

Unless - they were targetting Jaehyung all along.

It wasn't a farfetched idea, in fact. Rather, it seemed certainly understandable. After all, his face had been exposed to the public already with the elemental terrorist attack. Perhaps they attacked Jeongsuk in order to lure him out into the open.

Either way, Jaehyung was furious. He whipped his head to the incoming figures and lashed out at them.

The shadows around his body accumulated to become a whole field surrounded in pitch darkness. He could see Jeongsuk's eyes widen in surprise as his shadows started to act as hands and began to choke the enemies and create wounds on them. None of them even came close to the literal shining Jeongsuk and the darkness of Jaehyung.

But then again, perhaps Jaehyung was wrong. There was no way the enemy could have anticipated where Jaehyung was going to be after teleporting to the place of Jeongsuk.

All of a sudden, an excruciating pain erupted in his head. Jaehyung screamed, clutching his head in pain. It was the most painful thing he had ever experienced. It felt like death was near.

Knowledge and memories started to enter his mind - the memories of the villain.

Breathing heavily, Jaehyung collapsed onto the grass. He felt weak and helpless, especially as his eyes started to involuntarily close. The last thing he saw was the blurry figure of Jeongsuk coming near him.


Jaehyung awoke to lying in a bed that was extremely uncomfortable compared to the one at the penthouse. His back was aching as he sat up and looked around the small room.

Seo Jeongsuk entered the room to find him gazing around at the room.

"You're in my room," Jeongsuk said, his voice sharp and mistrustful. "The Officials are coming soon. They came soon after I awakened my elemental gift since it was shown on their radar. Except, the only thing was, it was two elemental gifts that were awakened."

Jeongsuk placed a cup of water next to the bedside table. "Now, who really are you Mr so-called Officer."

Jaehyung smiled wryly, "You'll never guess."

"Oh, yes I can!" Jeongsuk got out the small teleportation device from his bag and showed it to him. "Seen this around before?"

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