Part 4

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Both Karan and Preeta got lost in each other's eyes. Preeta reminisced their falling moments; being a clumsy girl, Preeta always bump into something and fell but as always, her hero is there to save the day; since she met [Karan there wasn't a moment when Karan missed to catch Preeta, Karan always saved her in the nick of time.

Karan, on the other hand, couldn't comprehend if Preeta was really in his arms or was he imaginating. He would not be surprised if Preeta disappeared; he got used to it. He spent five years in losing himself in Preeta's memories that he started to imagine her everywhere. Heck, even his life decision whatever it is related to cricket or his outfit of today, he imagined Preeta giving him her opinion and choice and he would act according to her. He hated her but he admitted that sometimes she was right.


"Preeta Arora." Preeta's heart was ready to burst with joy. It's been five years since she last heard him say her name, caught her in his arms as always. She couldn't describe what she was feeling. She misses this man so much that she didn't spend a day without thinking about him. He was on her mind 24/7. She has missed everything about him; every small things related to him, heck even things which annoyed her, she misses it.

But then Preeta realized the situation. She struggled to get down and Karan let her go as in he let her fell down.

"Ouch! My back!" Preeta cried out in pain.

She was going to scold him when she saw him stumbled and drank a beer bottle which she hadn't noticed was there. That's then she realized that he was drunk: his eyes were unfocused and his words was a bit slurred when he said her name. Judging by the way he was behaving, she could say it was his fifth beer bottle which mean he was completely drunk.

Immediately, her annoyance was changed to concern and care. It wasn't the first time she dealt with a drunk Karan. She was his best friend for 4 years, she knew every habits of his, that's how she could predicted how much he drank.

"Karan! Careful. Come and sit here." Preeta cried when she saw him stumbling and nearly fell down. Karan started laughing loudly.

"I'm going mad. First I imagined that I caught you and now I'm seeing you and hearing you scolding me. How foolish of me! You aren't really here." Karan take a long sip of his beer and crashed the bottle on the ground.

Preeta jumped in fright. This wasn't her Karan. Why did he drank so much. Suddenly she remembered what Shristi told her,

"He is hurting; he misses you very much. Every year on that day he left you, he would go back there and get so drunk that Sameer have to pick him up and sneak him back into Luthra house without anyone's knowledge."

She was now noticing her surrounding. It was the same place where exactly five years ago, Karan left her crying. No wonder he was there, she was the one who wasn't noticing where she was going. Unknowingly, her heart led her to the place where she lost everything and on the same day it happened. She hated that day and see the destiny's play, it made her return to India the day her life turned upside down and now it made her met Karan on the same day she last saw him five years ago.

Tears started to flow and Preeta clutched her hand in her mouth to stop her sobs. It's been five long years without him. She didn't met him after their fight nor did he. She received the news that he left for Pune for a cricket match the eve of her departure. He left two days after their fight and he had asked his family not to tell her but Sameer told her after four days. Preeta was hurt of course but she deserved it.

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