Chapter 24

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--- Molly's POV ---

It had officially been a month since I was released from hospital. I ended up staying in for a full week whilst enduring scans, medication and shitty hospital food. My psychologist came to the conclusion that I have a form of bi-polar disorder, which is why I felt out of body when heading to the bridge. They also agreed that as long as I took my medication regularly then I was safe to go home.

I lasted 3 days.

Since the flat had 4/7 of the sidemen living there, it wasn't unusual for videos to be filmed at ours. The tensions were so high with Harry, I couldn't bare to see him every other day when he was visiting the lads. It was pretty bizarre. I only saw him once since I was released from hospital and even that was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach.

No one was really okay with Harry, especially Ethan and JJ, but everyone had to film like it was normal. Tal and Freya both refused to come over when he was there - Simon didn't argue with this as he knew Talia would likely swing for Harry again had she seen him. I ended up moving in with the Cal's which, although they were a literal 10 minute walk away, was a humongous change.

"Mol you need anything from the shop?"

"Yeah fetch me some sambuca- I need to get plastered tonight"

"A girl after my own heart!" Cal called back. He walked into the kitchen where I was sat on one of the bar stools and pulled me in for a hug from behind. "How you feeling today matey?"

"Better every day." I gave him a small smile as he placed a very dramatic kiss on the top of my head. Since the incident I think Freezy feels responsible for me now. Ethan isn't here all the time so he's voluntarily taken on brotherly role - not that I mind. Lux has been staying with Sarah for a while so me and him just lounge round the house and watch YouTube.

"Well I'll be about an hour or so - please try not to burn the gaff down"

"YOU SET ONE TEA TOWEL ON FIRE AND IT HAUNTS YOU FOR LIFE!" I whip round and glare at him.

"Calm down baby Behz you mad donny" Cal let out a laugh, removed his arms from my shoulders and took a few steps back. "See you later bro" he called out, picking up his wallet and keys.

"In a bit" I wave as he walks out the front door, saluting me as he closes it.

What can I do to kill an hour?

In the end, I decided to be productive.

1. Shower
2. Do some editing
3. Ask Ethan round

I haven't seen Ethan since I moved out. Sure we'd facetimed but it's no where near the same. I missed my brother more than anything. He lived a 10 minute walk away but it felt like I was back in Coventry. I was scared of seeing Harry again, and to be honest, I think he was scared of seeing me too. Ethan has been giving him the silent treatment for weeks and I know for a fact JJ has been giving him a hard time. Because of Jide's dysfunctional family life, the sidemen are his lads, meaning that I too, was now his sister. I regularly spoke to him on the phone but I hadn't seen anyone besides Lux for a couple of days, Freezy, Tal and Freya.

Big Behz x

Hey bro, you busy today? X

Alright man, nah I'm free. How come? X

Would You fancy coming over for a bit?
Haven't seen you in forever x

Is that even a question? Of course I want to!
What time should I come? X

I was thinking in half an hour or so? X

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