Chapter 23

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--- No one's POV ---

It was now 2:45AM and Simon had just finished explaining to the two Cal's about what had caused tonight's predicament. "What the fuck?" Was all that the two boys could muster between them. The explanation of what had happened was just as terrifying as actually witnessing it. Not usually one for many words, Lux spoke up:

"This really is a stinker..." The solemn, simple sentence, with the addition of his lisp, caused the 3 boys to all crack a smile for the first time in hours. "Come on, let's go back in." 

When they entered the room, the hospitaly-rubber smell seemed stronger than ever. Everyone was stood around just staring. They stared at the walls, the floors, the machines, the ceiling - anywhere but at the limp teenage girl in a bed several feet away from them. The only sound in the room was that of the steady beeping coming from Molly's heart and blood pressure monitors in the corner. Vik, Lux and Tobi had seated themselves the other side of the room, Talia sat next to Ethan, rubbing his arm in a comforting way, Ethan and JJ were sat on chairs either side of Molly's bed, closely watching for any movement and Josh and Freya were sitting against the wall, still in their PJ's due to their unexpected rush. 

"Hey guys" Talia spoke calmly to them all. "Does anyone want a drink?" There was a collection of nods around the room. "Everyone okay for hot chocolate?" Having not known any of the extended group for long, Talia wasn't sure of what to do with herself. In the space of 4 hours she had been introduced to 11 new people, nearly slapped a homewrecking bitch, screamed at and threatened a 5'10, awkward Guernsey boy AND witnessed someone's sister try and jump from the London Bridge. Her head was, understandably, baffled. 

"I'll give you a hand" Freya gingerly added, raising herself up from the floor. As the two girls turned to leave the room, the more understanding nurse from before stopped them:

"Guys, I'm really sorry but we can only allow two of you in here - do you know who will be staying?" The gang collectively agreed that Ethan and Freezy should be the ones to stay over night and they would swap for Talia and Freya in the morning. 

After everyone else had said their goodbyes, Ethan and Cal decided the best thing they could do was get some sleep - of course staying by Molly's side in case she woke up before the morning. 

--- Molly's POV ---


I began to wake up after what felt like I had slept for years. Even though my eyes hadn't fully opened yet, I was sure of two things:

1. It was still dark out


2. I wasn't in my own bed.

I began to fully come around and a head splitting headache graced my mind. 

Where the fuck am I?

Without even sitting up, I used my eyes to check out my surroundings. The first things I spotted were JJ and Ethan, both holding my hands, sleeping peacefully on the chairs next to the bed I was in. I shuffled myself up the pillow so I was now sitting up more and took in the unusual room. 

Grey floor?

White walls? 

White bed? 

These aren't my clothes?

Am I in hospital?

Almost like a tidal wave, the remembrance and the realisation kicked in. Suddenly I was fully aware of why I was here and knew it was probably for the best. I took a second glance at Cal, mentally thanking him for saving my life. Had it not been for him, I would've been in a morgue, not a bed. 

Gently lifting myself up, I scurried out of my room taking the heart monitor with me to let someone know I was awake and could go home - and that I also needed a piss and couldn't find the toilets. The floor was cold and hard underneath my bare feet. The only clothing I had on of my own was my bra and nickers. It was evident that it was either very late or very early due to the fact there was a maximum of 4 nurses on the ward. One of them walked over to me with a big smile on her face. She was a tall woman - around 5'9, she had soft, dark skin and short black hair. She looked motherly, I'd have guessed she was around 60 maybe?

"Hi sweetheart," Her voice was low and soothing, which I was grateful for due to the headache I was enduring. "Nice to see you finally awake Molly". Her smile was subtle but very evident.

I nodded in agreement. "What time is it?" My voice came out as nothing more than a whisper. My throat was dry and the air around me was very stale yet crisp at the same time.

"Well, right now it's 10 past 5 in the morning, but you've been here since around half 1." Even though I expected it to be somewhat around this time, I was still surprised at just how late/early it was. I swayed side to side slightly, not quite having all my strength back, so the nursed placed one of her large arms around my waist and her other hand entwined with mine as she slowly ushered me back towards my room. 

"Where are the toilets?" I questioned, "I think I'm gonna pis-, sorry, I mean wet myself." For some reason I felt rude swearing in front of this older lady.

"Oh honey, don't worry about your language - I've looked after teenagers on this ward for nearly 20 years, as long as it isn't directed AT me, say whatever you like". She chuckled as she spoke, but not like Ethan or Jide's, it was slow and hearty. 

"I'm your nurse, sister Abayomi" She introduced herself to me, leading me now in the opposite direction from before. 

"That's a really pretty name" It was. It really suited her too. 

"Thank you darling, all the way from Zimbabwe this name has travelled!" She announced with clear pride.

"How did it end up here?" I asked her, now genuinely intrigued. 

"Ah well you see..." She told me a story about her father moving over from Africa during the Wind Rush and how he ended up where he did. There was so much history to her fathers struggles, she must've thought I was so stupid for nearly killing myself over feeling a bit sad and lonely. 

We eventually got back to my room and saw a panicked Ethan pacing around and a slightly less panicked JJ telling him I was okay. "That one's my brother" I told Abayomi, pointing to Ethan. "Ah I see, very handsome young man!" She cordially laughed again which I did too. "If only I was 10 years younger" She winked. 

"Just 10?" I asked her with clear sarcasm in my voice.

"You cheeky girl" She pushed my shoulder and then pulled me back in for a hug. "Not many people in this place have humor, it's nice to have a laugh for a change." Even though it may have seemed minute to her, to be told I was funny by someone I barely knew made me unbelievably happy. After years of having Ethan being the comical sibling (which was understandable since his humor matched with his laugh made him hilarious), it was nice to have a bit of appreciation for once. 

I walked into the room, dragging my monitor robot behind me as Abayomi followed. "Oh my God, Molly!" Ethan ran over to me giving me a big hug. "I thought you'd done a runner!"

"You are so unbelievably dramatic" I laughed into his shoulder, hugging him back. "I just needed a piss and couldn't find the loo's" 

"You gave me a bleeding heart attack you stupid donny"

"Well you're in the best place for it" Abayomi chimed in peering from behind my back. 

"Ethan, this is my nurse, sister Abayomi" I stepped aside allowing Ethan to greet the large nurse behind me. 

After some more empty conversation and a couple of laughs, JJ entered the converstion. "So... is she going to be okay?" 

"She's fine honey don't worry!" We just needed to watch her heart rate and blood pressure because of all the events of tonight. We need to keep her in over night since the psychology department needs to evaluate her to make sure she's mentally safe - nothing too serious don't you worry your pretty little head!" All of us nodded in agreement. Even though I didn't particularly want these assessments I understood that there was no point in arguing against it. 

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