Chapter Two

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I walked up stairs still scared completely shitless. I wasn't expecting Jason to be here. I would've thought that he left last night to stay at Caleb's house for the night. I'm not complaining or anything. I love hanging out with Jason. He is always considerate of how I feel and what I'm thinking. At school I am treated like a criminal, treated like I killed some body and people are surprised I would even consider showing my face. Jason is different though. He comes over with a gift every time; whether it is food or a souvenir. Once he has arrived we will usually eat. After that we always move to the couch. It's always a debate between the two of us about if we should watch a movie or just sit and talk. I want to watch a movie, not because I don't want to talk to him, I will jump to the opportunity to talk to Jason anytime. But I love to watch a movie because when it first starts he "yawns" and places his arm around me. My reaction to this is to snuggle in to the middle of his chest. His muscles are strong and perfectly defined. Then he will start playing with my hair, brushing it with his fingers. Since he is too concerned about where my hair places on my back he always gets left behind in the movie and has to ask me every time. It is definitely the best place to be in the world. I feel understood, I feel safe.

Not only all this but also my house gets kind of lonely sometimes. I have been living in my cabin like house for 2 years now. There is always a pile of dirt in the middle of the room or a huge spider web that I will avoid for weeks because I'm not touching that. It is hard living alone though. You have to pay for everything yourself. I had to get my own job at the age of 16 to support myself because my parents didn't want to be responsible for me anymore. They said I was too much of a handful and all my stupid decisions bounced back to haunt them. I wasn't thinking one night and got really tipsy. I literally couldn't even walk so I crawled home. My parents found me lying in the middle of the floor at 5am, covered in my own vomit. Long story short, they let me stay until I could find the money to be able to buy my own house.

I was still in my dress from last night and needed to change. I reached into my cupboard and took out my favourite sweater. It is a baby blue and simply says 'kiss me' along with my pj shorts that are just comfy and white. I then jumped down stairs to retrieve some aspirin for my hang over. I turned the corner into the lounge room and saw Jason still sitting there. He wasn't waiting for me as he played on his phone like most people do; he was sitting there looking at the hall that I will enter from, waiting. He smiled at me his cheeky grin and I smirked back. I then got signed by Jason to come plant my ass on the sofa next to him. When I did what I was told I could feel this brown eyes stare straight through me. I turned around to see why, but without a sound he leant in and kissed me on my forehead. My only response to this was a huge smile. He finally broke the silence. "I was just doing what I was told." He laughed.
"Oh really now?" I couldn't think of another response. That was the first time that ever happened. It was nice. Plus, it made me realise that he is always here for me. He will never use me as a sex toy, but he actually cares.
"You should never wear a shirt that demands something and not expect me to follow through with it." Jason continued.
"Well then I guess you're right. I should probably start wearing this shirt more often in that case."
"I would like that sweety."
"What movie would you like?"
"Aw. You just changed the subject from a very fascinating conversation."
"It was a reasonable question to ask. Don't be an asshole." I poked my tongue at him after my statement.
He let out a small chuckle. Then responded, "no movie today. One Thursday night we watched a film. So it is only reasonable for us to not watch one today. I want to talk. Just you and me, until everyone else arrives."
I rolled my eyes and let him win this one.

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