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SONG RECOMMENDATION: 507 BY CHILLOBEY. (I can't find a YouTube link but it's on Spotify and SoundCloud)

The day of the music video filming finally arrived, and all the boys went with their managers to the filming site at nine in the morning to get their hair and makeup done for the first scenes and start filming. They would be filming all the indoor solo scenes during the morning and move to an outdoor location in the late afternoon to film the solo and group scenes before moving back indoors and filming the remaining dance scenes. They did not expect to go home until the next day, but they were ready for it as well as excited.

"I swear your eye bags could fit my groceries," Dani joked as Axel got his makeup done. "You seriously need to sleep."

"As soon as we go back home tomorrow, I will sleep for as long as I possibly can, don't worry," he assured them. "The other tracks for the mini-album can wait for another day."

"Look, if someone in our room dares to turn on a single alarm, I'm breaking their phone!" Lou threatened the rest of the boys. "I'm having nightmares with an alarm as background music."

"Jax, why do you have to have the loudest and most obnoxious alarm sound?" Kiwoo asked him. "For real, did you have to choose precisely that one? I can even hear it from Duyi and I's room."

"If I used the ones you use, I wouldn't even flinch. I have the deepest sleep ever," he explained. "Don't worry, I've turned all the alarms off already just to be sure."

Even though they knew each other before being put as a group, they were not that close, but thanks to living alone and spending every single day together they were starting to grow closer. At first, the youngest ones would not dare to say anything to the oldest ones that could be taken the wrong way or that were not polite, but they already felt comfortable enough to tease each other and make funny comments.

"Come on, guys, let's stop talking about resting when we still have more than eighteen hours of shooting ahead of us," Duyi said, making Joontae throw his bandana right at his face. "What was that for?!"

"You are the leader! You are supposed to encourage us and tell us that this will feel like a breeze!" Joontae told him.

"I'm the leader, not a liar," he said, making Axel stifle a laugh. "See? He agrees."

"I didn't say anything!" Axel said raising his arms, but his hair stylist made him put them back down. "Sorry."

"Guys, stop bickering!" Kitae said shaking his head. "Jax, Kiwoo: everything is ready in your sets so you can go now to film."

"Let's go!" Jax said standing up. "Wish us good luck!"

"I'll go there when I'm done with my makeup," Duyi told them. "Good luck!"

After they both left, suddenly the makeup room went quiet, apart from the chatter between the staff members and the sounds from the hair dryers. The boys did not talk and were either on their phones or simply lost in their thoughts, which led to Axel nearly falling asleep as he got his hair done.

"Your body is creating a tolerance to that monstrous coffee you drink," Lou pointed out once he saw him, making Axel open his eyes. "Thankfully today is the last day."

"Don't worry, I'm alright," he lied. "Even if I wake up late tomorrow, I will probably have to stay up until late too working on music. I can do that at the dorm and take some naps, but I still need to be up to get things done."

"Axel, you aren't the only one who needs to create the songs, you know?" Duyi told him. "Jax and I will be helping too, and you shouldn't stress out on your own."

BE MYSELF(C1K) - MUSIQ SERIES PART 1Where stories live. Discover now