"sMokiNg iS bAd fOr hEalTh"

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Yoongi wiped off the drop of sweat hanging onto his chin before dusting his hands on the back of his pants.

After two tedious days, he had finally finished moving and unpacking his boxes of belongings into his new apartment.

The place looked decent. Just a classic studio apartment with a little kitchen, bathroom, work desk and single-sized bed all chucked to their own corners.

With a little more luck, he had also managed to acquire an apartment with a balcony, which was beneficial for him in many ways.

Not only was it located at a place with a great skyline, but it also prevented him from worrying about living inside a smoke chamber.

Speaking of which, maybe a smoke as a reward for the hardwork wouldn't be too bad.

Yoongi snatched his box of cigarettes from his desk before going out into the balcony to light one up.

He wordlessly stared at the crescent moon as he puffed out a cloud of smoke, feeling his worries escape along with it.

'Hopefully, this one will feel like a home.'

Basking in the serenity of the new quieter city, he released another puff of smoke.

He could get used to this.

"Smoking is bad for hEalTh!"

Yoongi jumped before looking back inside his apartment, only to find no one. 'Who in the world-'

High-pitched laughter then resounded from somewhere above him. "Oh my god, I hope they didn't hear me. That was a terrible voice crack, gosh."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

'The girl-like voice sounds close-by upstairs... so... I have a neighbour who talks to herself...?? Great.' He rolls his eyes to his silent thoughts.

The girl, however, continued thinking out loud to no one in particular. "How did the smoke even get to my floor? Isn't the smoking zone all the way downstairs??

"Anyway, Smoker-ssi, did you know you can get lung cancer from smoking too much??? Well, you probably do but still smoke anyway."

Yoongi scoffed as he walked back into his apartment after finishing his smoke.

Guess he wouldn't be so alone in this new neighbourhood after all?

Bad For Your Health //BTS Yoongi//Where stories live. Discover now