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Ever since the first day he moved in, this interaction had become a routine, when Yoongi would go out for a smoke at night and the girl will be there to nag him about not smoking.

Actually, Yoongi could have always smoked in the afternoon to avoid her, but internally he knew that she was probably the only amusing thing in his life then, so he stayed.

"You're back smoking?" The girl whined.

Yoongi puffed another cloud of smoke as a response.

"I already said smoking is bad for your health." She humphed

"Y'know, I went to search up the health problems that smoking brings, and I found out that I could die from just breathing in your smoke. That's such a cool, yet gruesome fact."

Yoongi's gums couldn't help but show as he smiled at the girl's newfound discovery of secondhand smoke.

"And then, I wondered why I still sit out here when I could actually die because of you and your smoke." He smirked while the girl chuckled at her own playful, accusing tone.

"But I just told myself that the night view was probably worth dying for."

Yoongi lifted his head to admire the mentioned view, deciding that he agreed with the statement.

"You see those three stars lined up in one straight line there?"

His eyes quickly scanned the sky before they finally set upon the constellation.

"That's called the Orion's Belt, did you know about it? It's my favourite constellation, simply because whenever I look up at the night sky, it's the only constellation I can see, even with light pollution. It's like it's always right there with me. That's kinda deep, right?"

With an upturned neck, Yoongi's mouth fell agape as he stared at the constellation in awe. 'That's actually... quite cool.'

"One day, when I get the money and time, I'll travel to somewhere with no light pollution, just to stargaze. I'll try to find Orion's Belt there." He could hear her smile in her voice.

Guess this girl wasn't so bad after all.

Bad For Your Health //BTS Yoongi//Where stories live. Discover now