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Naturally, Yoongi became a new regular of the café the girl worked at as he went to get his coffee from her every morning before work.

Although the amount of time to admire her was shorter than that of the previous weekend, he still appreciated his mornings more whenever he saw her usual smile greeting him.

For Smoker-ssi, however, it had been exactly two weeks since the last time she talked to him.

Hence, he gradually started to go back to smoking the original amount again as there was nothing else to distract him.


He walked out into the balcony yet again and lighted up his cigarette.

The first puff of smoke was released before he dejectedly waited for the empty silence to consume him again.

"It's nice to know that you still keep to tradition." Yoongi jumped at the voice.

A huge smile appeared on his face. 'Oh my god, she's finally back.'

"But it's a pity to know that you still continue to smoke even after all those times I nagged you not to." She let out an awkward laugh.

Yoongi huffed out air from his nose.

"I wanted to thank you for the gift actually... but now that I'm already here, I wanted to a-ask something." She stuttered.

A moment of silence fell after that.

"Do-you-think-the-fact-that-I-didn't- know-someone-was-listening-would-be-a-good-excuse-for-acting-like-a-crazy- person-who-talked-to-herself?" The girl quickly blurted out, clearly in shame.

"Pfft-" Yoongi couldn't help but burst out laughing at that.

"What the-" The girl muttered before her chair creaked and footsteps were heard.

She peeped out beyond the railings in search of the person laughing, only to see a man laughing his head off in the balcony right under hers.

"No, it really wouldn't." He said with a gummy smile while he turned his body up to face her.

Finally able to see his face, the girl loudly gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. "It's you! Min Yoongi-ssi!"

"Good to know you remember me," he remarked with a cocky smirk, even though he was turning pink all the way down to his neck. "How about you? It's time I learnt your name."

The girl laughed guiltily. "I'm Sookyung... or should I say: Em, Sookyeong. Jo Sookyeong."

It was her turn to burst out laughing while Yoongi blushed even more as she imitated the first time he introduced himself to her in the café.

"I see you noticed the slip up since back then..." He chuckled awkwardly.

"Of course I did, so you better stop trying to act cool. Sure I messed up, but you're being too cocky for your own good." She humphed jokingly.

They both laughed.

"I can't believe Yoongi-ssi was down there the whole time. I was thinking at the very most you were just able to hear me from the smoking zone downstairs. Oh my God, this is so embarrassing." She hid her face in her hands.

He sniggered. "Well, I wouldn't say it wasn't embarrassing, but I can say I didn't mind at all. Honestly, it made me want to get to know you better."

"Oh?" She quirked her eyebrow.

"How old are you, Sookyeong-ssi?"

"21. You?"

"24." He smirked again.

Sookyeong laughed. "What? You expect me to call you 'oppa' or something?"

Yoongi shrugged. "We're not exactly that close yet, unless you want to?"

She shrugged back. "Well, it would be nice to have a neighbour as a companion."

"'Air-shake' on being friends?" He proposed with a hand stuck out to her.

Sookyeong threw her head back in laughter before sticking out her hand as well. "To being friends."

They both smiled as they shook their hands in sync.

Guess that was the start of their special friendship.

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