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With headphones on, Yoongi walked towards the café where he was going to work on his tunes, and also, whether he wanted to admit it or not, to see Sookyeong.

It was the day after they had become friends and he was lowkey excited to see her again after the long chat they had the night before.

She already seemed to like him as a person, so that's a good start, right?


Bells ringing to signal his arrival, he took off his headphones and smiled when he noticed Sookyeong's eyes lightening up after she recognised him.

"Afternoon, Yoongi-ssi." She chirped as per usual.

"Good afternoon... and 'Yoongi-oppa' is always open for use, just wanted to remind you." He winked jokingly as Sookyeong scoffed.

"Yeah yeah, it'll come in due time. Your usual?" She changed the subject to his drink order.

"You know it." He replied as he took his wallet out.

After they had gone through payment procedures, Sookyeong offered, "I'll be having some break times later. If you want, I could sit with you during those? You'll be making your music, right?"

Yoongi blinked slowly before nodding. "Yeah, and you're more than welcome to join me."

The girl smiled. "Okay, great! I'll see you then!"

They waved at each other before Yoongi walked away to a table with reddened cheeks.


As the busy lunch hour came to an end, a certain someone sneaked up behind Yoongi, who was unsuspecting and too immersed in his laptop.

"Boo." Yoongi jumped in shock before glaring at the culprit, making said person break out into laughter.

"You looked so concentrated that I just had to." Sookyeong teased while she took the seat across the table.

Yoongi hummed sarcastically, "Mhmm."

"What'chu working on at the moment?" She asked with her head in her palm.

"Now working on the beat of the rap, I'm just left with the bridge and the ending chorus." Yoongi reported robotically as he continued staring intently at his computer.

Sookyeong hummed in thought before she hesitantly asked. "Can I...?"

"Em..." Yoongi paused, "it's not complete yet, but sure, I don't mind."

"Yay!" Sookyeong jumped from her seat excitedly before rushing to Yoongi's side.

The man gave a fond smile before he handed over his headphones to the girl, who took it like a kid receiving their Christmas present.

She put them on and pressed them closer to her ears before closing her eyes shut as Yoongi clicked the play button.

He then turned to look at her, waiting for her reaction.

While watching her, he personally thought she reacted rather well.

He noticed that when she was absorbed in the beat, she would head bang to it.

And at the parts when the flow changed, she would act as if she was one of the guys in the "Supa Hot Fire" meme.

A small smile stayed on his face the whole time as he thought about how cute her reactivity to music was.

When the song finally came to an end, Sookyeong hyperactively bounced in her seat as she handed the headphones back to Yoongi.

"Oh my God, that was so good! Perfect! Amazing! Incredible! I loved the use of traditional korean instruments, sounds like some savage periodic drama OST. I can't wait to hear the song when it's completed," she raved, "I am now officially your #1 fan, just wanted you to know that."

Yoongi's shoulders shook as he laughed at her.

"Oh really now?" He asked teasingly.

"Yep." She crossed her arms to emphasise her point

He gummy-smiled before offering, "Then as fan service for my #1 fan, would you like to help me with the rest of the beat?"

"Oh my god, yes please!" She clapped excitedly.

He smiled fondly again as he watched the girl scrunch up her face, deep in thought about ideas she could suggest.

Guess they could actually become good friends.

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