october 28th, 2020

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"I never thought I'd say that I actually want to go out and do something," Spencer's voice swims through my ear from the speaker in my phone. "Usually I like to stay in for my birthday, but... this entire year has been composed of staying in."

He's quiet for a few seconds before he starts talking again. "I hate this. I hate these stupid masks, I hate coming home from a case and having to stay in my apartment for two weeks, and mostly... I hate not seeing you. I miss you."

It's been almost four months since the last time Spencer and I saw each other. It's been hard for both of us. Every two week quarantine he has to sit in after coming back to DC from a case is just followed by another case. The cycle just repeats.

I got tested and have been self-isolating since doing so. Yesterday I got my negative test results— just in time to sneak over to Spencer's apartment with ingredients for a home cooked meal, wine, a birthday cake, and a few gifts. Oh, and decorations!

"I miss you," I say back to him. "This will all be over soon." I try to assure him.

"It won't," He sighs. "No one takes it seriously. It will be years before life can go back to normal."

I feel my heart sink. His voice is so full of defeat and sadness.

At the beginning of the pandemic, when stay-at-home orders were put into place, it hit him hard. He couldn't see me, couldn't go to work. He was stuck inside-- only able to talk to me on the phone for any human 'contact'. He got so tired of not seeing my face that, despite disliking technology, he bought a phone so that we could Facetime. Of course, once in a while, the Facetiming would eventually escalate into cyber sex.

He's been happy to go back to work, but going back has also meant he couldn't see me for the last four months.

"Well, how are you celebrating tonight?" I try to change the subject and cheer him up.

He's quiet for a few seconds. "I think I'll order take-out and talk to you on the phone."

"You are the take-out king," I joke with a laugh.

"Well, I'm a lousy cook. Plus, I can't practice when I always come home to most of my food having gone bad."

"That's true. How far do you have left to walk?"

"I'm about to walk into my building now," He says with a little sigh. "Can I see you?"

The phone beeps a few times, making me pull it away from my ear. He wants to Facetime.


I adjust myself within the preview so he can't see anything that would signal that I'm in his apartment before hitting 'accept'.

His face flashes up on my screen, the lower portion covered by a mask, of course. A black mask patterned with the white outlines of dinosaurs.

"Hi," I smile at him.

He goes through a door, entering the building, before stopping in his tracks while looking at the screen.

"You look so beautiful, Y/N. Why are you all... done up? You haven't worn makeup in a long time."

I can't help but to chuckle at him. "Well, I figured you'd want to FaceTime tonight. I wanted to look pretty for you."

"You always look pretty. Is that the dress I like?"

I had to wear his favorite black dress. It's his birthday and he hasn't seen me in months.

"It might be," I grin even wider.

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