call it off

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"So, that's it..." Spencer looks around the empty apartment.

It's one the two of them had spent so much time together in. So many late nights talking, so many orders from takeout places, so many games of Scrabble...

So many wanting looks had been exchanged between the two of them, but neither of them would make the first move in fear of being rejected. Well, at least on Y/N's end.

"Yeah," Y/N sighs, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "It's making me sad,"

"Hey, don't be. This is such a great opportunity, Y/N." The boy tells her with a sympathetic look.

Y/N had been living in D.C. for a little over three years. She'd known Spencer for those three years, too. The two met on the street outside of Y/N's apartment building. She'd grabbed a box from her car and the bottom gave way, letting the contents fall to the concrete.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." The girl groans, flipping the box over so that the front faces down.

She crouches down, setting the box aside and grabbing stuff to shove back into it.

Just then, a pair of feet enter her field of vision. They're clad in beat up, black converse high-tops. The person crouches down and picks up one of the books that had fallen from the box.

Y/N looks up and sees a man examining the book. He'd pulled it out of the bubble wrap it'd been wrapped in. He's got wavy brown hair that hangs just to his jaw and kind light-brown eyes.

"This...this is a first edition! Where did you get this?" The boy asks excitedly, staring at the spine of the book.

He looks over the intricate details in the cloth cover and the title. It's A Study In Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle, one of his favorites. He wonders how the girl managed to get her hands on a first edition of the book.

"Back home," She says, watching as he opened the cover to examine the pages. "Uh, could you...could you be careful with that?'s really important to me."

Spencer was being careful with it, but could tell that the girl was getting antsy from her tone. He wrapped it back up in the bubble wrap before handing it to her.

"Sorry," He says, meeting her eyes for the first time. "Here you go,"

He gets a good look at her, now that he's not entranced by the book.

She's beautiful, even more beautiful to him because they have something in common. He wonders what else they might have in common.

"Do you need some help?" Spencer offers, watching as she tucks things back into the box.

The girl shakes her head, putting the last of the items away. She stands up and hoists the box up and Spencer does the same, sans box.

"I'm alright, thanks." She says, pushing the car door shut in an awkward manner with the box in her arms. She sighs when the door doesn't close all the way.

"Let me..." The boy reaches for the handle and Y/N backs up. He opens the door before shutting it again. It closes properly this time. "I'm Spencer, Spencer Reid."

Spencer Reid | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now