old friends, old flames

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"Y/N?" Derek asks, taking a sip of his beer. "You mean Y/N, who you had a crush on? Old friend Y/N?"

Spencer sighs, stirring up his Long Island Iced Tea. "Had," He emphasises. "Meaning past-tense."

"That's what I said, man. Chill out," The older man chuckles, rolling his eyes at his friend. "So, meeting up for coffee. What does Halle think about that?"

"Nothing. She trusts me, Morgan. For good reason, too. I don't fool around behind her back and I never will."

Morgan nods, holding up his beer. "Dr. Spencer Reid, I don't know a better man."

The younger agent just rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his drink.


"Hi!" Y/N says, heading toward Spencer.

Spencer spots her and stands up to greet her, a small smile forming on his lips. "Hello!" He doesn't think twice about wrapping his arms around her when she goes in for a hug.

Sure, germs aren't as big a deal to him as they were three years ago, but even then she was one of the few people he'd been comfortable hugging.

"I'm so glad we ran into each other yesterday," She says, resting her chin on his shoulder and giving him a big squeeze. The girl pulls back, looking up at her old friend with a grin. "I've missed you."

He nods in assent. "I've missed you, too."

Three years ago, Y/N moved to California for work. Their friendship fizzled out as the two both got caught up in their own lives. Spencer met a woman, fell in love, and got married. Y/N busted her ass, usually spending three-quarters of the day working. It was rare that she could even think of anything besides her job, so Spencer's calls stopped getting answered. His texts were left on read for days on end sometimes.

"I'm sorry for being a shitty friend. I just... work is-" She starts, taking a seat in the booth.

He sits down, too. Spencer shakes his head before cutting her off. "Sometimes life gets in the way, Y/N. It's really nothing to apologize for. You're here now."

She gives him a sad smile. "Yeah. For good, too. The truck with all of my shit in it comes tomorrow and I got some movers to load everything into my apartment."

"Really? What...where are you gonna be staying?"

"Your old building," She chuckles. "Just down the hall-"

"I still live there!" He laughs. "Wow, I can't believe it. After all of this time...neighbors."

Y/N just chuckles. "I just figured since I saw some woman coming out of it that you'd moved."

"No," Spencer shakes his head. "That's my wife, Halle."

"Wife?" She raises an eyebrow at him before looking down at his left hand.

Sure enough, a gold band hugs his ring finger.

"Spencer Reid!" She exclaims, grabbing his hand to take a look at the ring. "Congrats! Oh, my god! Do you have kids? God, you were so good with Jack and Henry. I remember it like it was yesterday."

Spencer's smile fades. "No, actually. I...well, Halle doesn't want kids. It's not her thing."

"Oh," Y/N frowns, playing with his fingers as she looks at the ring. "Well, that's a shame. I always thought you'd make the best dad."

The man sighs, giving his friend a shrug. "It's not all bad. I still see the boys all the time. It sort of...fills the void."

Y/N nods, understanding what he's getting at. She attempts to change the subject. "Hey, you wanna hear something really stupid?"

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