a decade under the influence

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Well, sad, small, sweet, so delicate.
It used to be this dying breed.
Well, I've got a bad feeling about this.
I've got a bad feeling about this.

Y/N and Spencer walk into work together as they usually do, but unbeknownst to Spencer... Y/N's stomach is twisting and turning. She's sick, but not with a virus...

Spencer had been acting different lately. He'd been sneaking out early on Sunday mornings, coming back to the apartment they shared and crawling into their bed as if it hadn't happened.

He'd thought she wasn't awake, but she was. She always was when he'd leave and come back...

She knew something was off, just by the way that their car rides were silent and awkward lately. By the way that he hadn't wanted to touch her besides a quick peck and a short hug every once in awhile.

He'd snuck off before they came into work today. The two of them were supposed to be able to come in late, since all that was needing to be done was paperwork. They'd had a long case and Hotch let everyone come in late.

Spencer claimed that he left to pick up breakfast for them - which he did. But it took a suspiciously long time. And when he came home, he seemed jittery as he and Y/N ate together. The uncomfortable silence between them made even more unbearable by his obvious want to be somewhere else.

You kept still until the long drive home.
And slept safe and close to the window.
Well, I've got a bad feeling about this.
I've got a bad feeling about...

In the car he'd gotten especially anxious, and when they'd gotten into work, he ran straight to Hotch's office.

Y/N sat her stuff down, slumping down into her desk chair and watching her boyfriend of over two years close the blinds of their bosses office.

"What's with you?" Derek asked, taking a seat on the edge of her desk.

Y/N ran a hand through her hair. "I don't know..." She shrugged. "I just...something is wrong. I don't know what it is."

"With Reid?" The agent raised his eyebrow at his coworker.

She nodded, looking down at the pictures on her desk. "He's acting weird. He just ran into Hotch's office and closed the blinds."

Derek looked up, noticing that the blinds were in fact closed. It's something that Hotch only did when there were personal matters at hand.


"Reid, it might not be any of my business, but... what do you plan on telling Y/N about this?" Aaron raises an eyebrow at Spencer. "It'll create conflict and impact both of your abilities to do your jobs. You're already struggling as it is."

"Present it as a regular case, hand it over to Garcia. No one needs to know. Please, Hotch... I love her."

The older man wants to roll his eyes, but opts for a huff instead. "Reid, I can't do that."

Spencer swallows hard, staring back at his boss. "I...I guess we have to do it,"


"Really?" Derek asks, having pulled his chair up to sit right beside Y/N.

She nods, hugging her knees to her chest.

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