sleeping with a friend (part 2)

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After talking for hours and eating a ton of snacks, Penelope and I crashed in her bed.

Her alarm goes off at six, as per usual. Time to get up and go to work. At least I could get ready with her this morning.

She groans as she silences it and sits up just as I do.

"Y/N! How are you feeling?" The blonde asks, putting on her glasses and looking at me with concern.

I chuckle. "I'm alright,"

"Good, good. I haven't seen you that bad since, like, three months into your time at the BAU. You had that big crush on Reid,"

I let out a big sigh. "Yeah, that's right. Forgot about that,"

"Do you want to tell me the real reason you're down in the dumps?"

I do. I do so badly. I know, though, if I tell Penelope...the entire team will know within twelve hours.

"Told you, Pen. I'm just in a slump," I assure her. "It'll go away soon."

"Okay, well, I'm here to talk and have snack nights with," The girl smiles at me.

"Thanks, Pen. Same to you," I shoot her a smile.


As Penelope and I make our way up to the sixth floor in the elevator, my heart is doing leaps in my chest. I'm anxious about seeing Spencer. Really, really anxious.

I don't want to see him...but at the same time I do. Maybe I just don't want him to see me.

I hear an electronic ping.

"A case," Penelope says, looking down at her phone. "Bad guys don't wait for you to have your morning coffee." The girl lets out a sigh.

The elevator doors open and we step out and head into the bullpen. I get things situated at my desk and head to grab some coffee. I stop in my tracks when I see Spencer pouring himself a cup.

Guess I can wait on coffee.

I take a seat in my chair and watch in the direction of Pen's Lair, waiting for her to walk in to tell everyone there's a case after she's gotten everything together. After a minute or two, I settle on looking through the stack of cold cases on my desk.

"Y/N," I hear the familiar voice from behind me. Morgan. I spin in my chair to face him. He places a cup of coffee in front of me. "I heard you and Garcia had snack night,"

"Thanks," I tell him, noting that he'd made my coffee the way I like it. "And yeah, it was an impromptu snack night."

He sits on the edge of my desk, his own cup of coffee in his hands. Concern laces his features. "She said it was bad. What happened?"

Derek is someone I know I can confide in...but not here. Not now.

"It's, uh, it's not a big deal..." I shake my head, picking up my coffee.

"Y/N, come on, I know you better than that. Whatever it's weighing on you. You know you can tell me anything, right?" He asks, earning a nod from me. He gives me a warm smile. "I'm not Garcia, so whatever it is...would stay between us."

"I know, thanks. Maybe we can chat later?" I give him a sad half-smile.

He returns it and ruffles my hair. "Of course. Come on, now, hug it out."

A laugh leaves my mouth and I get to my feet, wrapping my arms around the agent as he does the same to me.

"Hey, what's going on?" I hear from behind me.

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