7- The wager

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Natalie's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Dylan asked me out for coffee, which I wasn't even considering. I didn't need to get involved or befriended by anyone, especially a man right now. The only people I talked to here were the Murphy's, because I'm renting out their place and then Henry, my boss.

I've helped Henry a few more times since that morning with Dylan. Dylan has been helping also, I would catch him looking at me and then he would smirk and look away but he never talked to me.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find Dylan attractive. I pushed away that attraction because the last man that caught my eye ended up being the biggest mistake of my life. I needed out of that mess and my little girl back before I even thought about another man.

I went to a quiet little spot I found under a bridge. I fish there because I literally have nothing else to do and Cody can run around. I pulled out my burner phone and called Micheal and Elisha.

"Mommy!" Zoe said excitedly.

I closed my eyes at the sound of my daughter's voice. I'm never going to get used to this, this is killing me.

"Papa Mike talk to you. Byeee."

What? I was immediately on edge. My heart rate picked up, something must have happened.

"Hey sweetheart, everything is fine. I didn't mean to cut your talk short with her but this is important. You remember when you first came to me and how we talked about all the shady people that live in New York and all over the U.S.? Sofia and her family will be in California next week. Unfortunately, her father Aaron will also be along. I was hoping you would have gotten Sofia alone to talk to her but that might be tough. They will have an army surrounding them but this is probably the only chance you will get to talk with her anytime soon. Sofia is donating money at a children's hospital there, so it's this big thing. If you think this is how you want to move forward, just be careful and smart about how you go about this. Take care sweetheart. We love you."


I hurried and snapped the phone in half, throwing the two parts out into the water.

The moment I have been waiting for is finally a possibility. Aaron Hale, former King of the New York Mafia and his daughter, Sofia Rynes we're going to be on the west coast.

I've had a lot of time on my hands, so I've done a lot of thinking. When I first went to Michael and Elisha I talked with Michael about Sofia. In a way, I idolized her. She was one of the strongest females I knew and I was so fortunate I got to meet her a few times when I was with John. Sofia and her husband Derek took over for Aaron as the new King and Queen of the Mafia about a year ago. To be honest, when you think of the Mafia, you think big bad men with guns that wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in your head if you even looked their way.

While I don't doubt for one second that was still possible with her Dad and husband, Sofia was different. She was kind and gentle and always wanted to help people. She went through a lot, growing up as the daughter of Aaron Hale and I knew what I had to offer her would get her to want to help me with John. I just had to find a way to get to her without getting shot and killed first!

I was deep in thought when I heard Cody start barking. I quickly turned around in a panic to see none other than Dylan himself.

I placed my hand on my heart. "Why the fuck are you sneaking up on me for? You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there... are you alright?"

"What...? I'm fine." I turned back around and wiped the tears from my eyes.

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