30- The Warehouse

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Natalie's P.O.V.

I was going through the plan over and over again in my head, while I waited in my spot by the warehouse where a trade was supposed to go down shortly. I knew Dylan was following me along with Derek, Aaron and all of their men, which was a comforting feeling.

One of Aaron's men; Ray, was a spy in John's organization. Unfortunately John doesn't trust many except for a handful of people, so Ray wasn't able to get the information we needed. Ray was the one that was bringing me to John after the cops raided the warehouse.

I watched as Justin led the swat team around the warehouse and busted in. Captain Grey and Justin both knew what I was about to do, and with my help and testimony against John I would be free to live my life again. Zoe and I would be put in a thing like the witness protection program but through Aaron and what William had originally set up for me.

Ray walked up behind me. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I got some satisfaction from knowing some of the women and children were saved tonight in that warehouse. Now let's hope we can save some more.

I got into the car with Ray. He drove about twenty minutes before he suddenly pulled over. "Get out."

"What? Why?"

"I'm not going to hurt you. Well I am but... listen, we have to make this look believable to John."

I gave him a sceptical look before getting out, Aaron said he trusted this guy so I had to also.

He walked in front of me. "I have to hit you."

"The hell you do!" I hissed.

He started laughing, "If I bring you in unharmed at all, John's going to know something is up. But not too bad because then John will kill me. You're feisty so you can hit me back, like I said... we have to make this believable."

I sighed, "Whatever... just get it over with."

I closed my eyes, getting ready for the impack.


I felt the pain rush through my cheek as the back of Ray's hand collided with my cheek.

I instantly held my cheek, "Fucking son of a bitch, you God damn asshole." I hissed.

"I'm so sorry." He said with concern, laced into his voice.

I groaned, "My turn!" Bringing my hand forward, my palm collided with his nose.

Blood instantly started draining from his nose.

"You broke my damn nose." He cried out.

"Serves you right..." Great, now I feel bad. "Shit, I'm so sorry!"

He started laughing as he cracked his nose, putting it back into place. "Don't apologize, I love a woman who can defend herself. I'm not going to hit you anymore but I am going to grab you from behind and I want you to claw a little bit at my arms."


"Remember, believable."

I rolled my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me. Clawing at his arms a little until he let me go.

"Good, let's go."

Getting back into the car he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Yeah boss, you're never going to believe who I have with me..."

"It's Natalie. She was at the warehouse. Unfortunately the feds showed up and raided the place. I was able to get away when I saw her watching from the woods. She must have tipped off the cops."

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