Chapter 6: Keeping On Keeping On

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I got to Clicks Pharmacy and went to the supplements and medication isle. I carefully read each and every calmative on the shelf. I had to know the possible reactions they cause. I can't be sleepy or woozy but calm , collected and present only. I took one box of twelve and went to the refrigerator and took a can of Harmony drink and went to the tellers to check out.

I walked out like I was being pushed by wind. I got to my office and took the calmative with half a glass of water. I logged in and also opened the can of Harmony drink. I started working and taking sips of Harmony drink. I wanted the Harmony drink to restore calmness in me and I was praying that it does. I couldn't afford to look angry.

As I was reading and attempting to respond to my emails one of my colleagues came in. He greeted me and sat on the couch. We chatted about the general staff including the Covid19 impact. He told me that he was just passing by and came to greet. We laughed as I was narrating how I missed the ladies bathroom door and entered into the men's one. We laughed out loud. I never told him what landed me there in the first place. He greeted again and left.

Soon after him one of my female colleagues, Matla Letsatsi came in. This is the colleague who intervened when I was failing Financial Accounting repeatedly. We greeted each other. The first question from her was "What's wrong, you don't look fine?" I was so shocked. She could see right through my fresh coat of powder. I was shocked at her ability to observe.

I told her of my day . I narrated in full the morning meeting to my hour from half past eight to half past nine. She also saw the calmatives and a can of Harmony drink on my desk. She couldn't believe it. I think I became emotional because she was consoling me and rubbing my back and encouraging me to breathe.

" Maybe I should look for another job."I said to her.
I still had a feeling that maybe I blacked out while walking from my office to the bathroom. Maybe that's why I got lost.

That was just an hour not a day on 7 September 2020.

In few days later after the "I am not feeling safe around you. I have reported this matter to my wife" day, the secretary at the reception office was ordered to keep the door closed at all times. She was instructed to write a notice that read " Closed on account of work."and place it on the door. You heard me well. The notice read" Closed on account of work" not closed on account of weather. This is the office where I print out and scan. This was a good and a bad thing. When the management is out of office, the reception office would be back to normal and the door would be opened. When the management is present in the office, the door would be closed. I knew without being told of the absence and presence of the accuser. The colleagues would question the secretary on why she kept the door closed and she would try her best to explain and none believe her explanation based on their facial expressions. She was in a dilemma and still is. The problem is, when you are down the passage, you can see that the door is closed and you turn back and leave.

Due to the closing of the reception office door, our walk-in clients would walk past it and come to my office for enquiries , request and complaints. Our colleagues would do the same but some would knock on the door if they see her inside. The reception has glass walls and a glass door.

I never imagined that office life can be this depressing . I print, scan and sign the register twice in that office. Initially there was no need for me to frequent that office . I had a perfectly working printer-scanner . One day the same accuser, came to my office in my absence and removed it and placed it at the reception. He replaced it with the printer that does not have a scanner. The reception has two scanners. I am obliged to go there whether the door is closed or not. That is what my boss and accuser chose by removing the printer-scanner from my office. He has to live with his choice now, isn't it?

If I can narrate about:
A. 9 October 2020 when I got a shock,
B. 6 November 2020 when I had to issue a formal apology for doing what was right
C. 17 November 2020, the day when I got gatvol in November 2020 just before I wrote exams,
D. 15 December when I got enraged and
E. 22 December 2020, you will be very traumatized.

I just do not know how to lick somebody's bruised ego. I don't deal with narcissistic personality well. This is narcissism nine-nine. I must leave. I must get a new job, soon.

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One hour of one day of my day (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now