Chapter 7

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POV: Peyton

Once I got home, I changed my clothes. I grabbed my backpack and threw a few things in it. Towel, sunblock, water bottle, etc. I swing it over my shoulder. I then grabbed my surfboard. I walk down to the beach. It's so beautiful and warm today. I definitely have to do this more. I find a nice spot and set my stuff down. The waves are looking good too.

POV: Toshinori

I'm glad I got to help in court today, but I almost missed my class. Which is becoming a habit. I tap my pencil against my notebook. I could be out there helping someone in need. I look at the clock. Just a few more minutes. Then I can go out on patrol. The teacher finally gives us the homework, and I start to pack up my stuff. I quickly got back to my apartment, and changed into my hero suit. I also turned into All Might.

After a few hours I found myself at the beach. It's been slower then normal. A bank robbery, a mugging, and a drug deal. Nothing really to get the blood pumping. After walking for a bit, I sat down in the sand. The sun is setting. It's beautiful. I see a surfer taking on the waves. It looks like fun, but I don't think I would be good at it. I watch her, her brown hair moving free. She owns that wave. Too bad she is too far out. I can barely see her. There was a huge wave coming, and I saw her going for it. In the wave I see something. I stand up, and get closer to the edge of the water. Is that something coming at her? "Hey! Behind you!" She turns to me, and loses her balance. The second she fell, a giant tentacle came flying out of the wave. Was it trying to grab her! I took off my cape, and jumped into the water. I swim as fast as I could. I see her come up for air, but then it grabs her. Lifting her up. Her board hanging from her ankle. She screams. I finally see what's happening. A man with octopus tentacles is attacking her. Water isn't my element, but surely I can help. He plunges her under the water. I dive under. I see him hold her next to him. He had a few other girls. How long have them been under water!? He noticed me, and sent one of his tentacles towards me. I grab it, but because I'm in the water, he can move me. I'm going to need air soon! He did just that. He forced me out of the water, but throwing me. Once I got air, I rotated my body, and smashed. Sending me back into the water. I land next to him, and grabbed his face, then upper cut him. He went out the water, I took this as my chance. I dove under and then propelled myself out. I caught him, and aimed for the shore. He was out cold, and so are the girls. I see a few on looker. "Help me with these women." We quickly unravel them, when I saw who it was Miss. Redwood! I laid her back, and was about to start chest compressions when I realized she's in a bikini top. I feel my face heats up. I hesitate. When I hear one of the helpers say the ambulance is on it way.  I looked at her lips. Pale. I got into stance, and pushed down. Her body flailed, and she went down into the sand almost a foot! I heard popping.
"Whoa Man! You trying to kill her?!" A male lifeguard said.
"I'm trying too..."
"Like that! Your hurting her. Step aside!"
He pushed me out, and started chest compressions. I look at my hands. I have done chest compressions half a dozen time. I've never done that? I watch him give her rescue breaths. His lips against hers. I hear the ambulance. I turn to wave them down. Once they got here, they took over. I go over to the criminal and tie him up. Out of the 4 girls, one was announced dead at the scene. The other 3 were taken to the hospital. I gave my statements to the police. The whole time I was thinking about Miss. Redwood. Was it because I knew her? Was it because I was nervous? Once It was clear here, I went to the hospital. If she already hated me, what will she think now. I walk up to the receptionist. "Ahh, Hi."
"Hello sweetheart. What can I do for you." She smiles.
"Um there was three women brought in from an accident. When they left the scene they were receiving CPR."
"Oh, were you the hero that took down the thug?"
"Ahh, yeah."
"Well two of them are fine, one is in surgery."
"Well her lung was punctured by one of her broken rips and she has internal bleeding with a few other complications."
"Other complications? Is she that hurt?"
"I'm sorry sir I already told you more then I should have."
"Alright, I understand."
"Excuse?" A males voice came from behind  me. "Are you the hero that saved my wife?"
I turn around the see a man. With his small kids. "Was she one of the women attacked at the beach?"
"Yes she was."
I stuck out my hand. "I'm glade to met you. How is she doing?"
He gratefully took my hand and shook it. "She is going to be alright. Other then a small broken rib, and being deprived of oxygen. She is fine."
I noticed they had towels and their clothes were wet. "Where you all at the beach?"
"Ahh, Yeah. We are actually on vacation. She was taking a dip one last time before we left. When I turned round she was gone. We only figured out what was happening when we saw you fighting across the beach. I sent my oldest with her little brothers to the car with everything, and I ran down. I saw her getting into the ambulance. So we came here."
"I'm sorry. This probably wasn't on the vacation check list. I'm just glade that I was able to help, and that she was able to make it back to you. Have you spoken to the police yet?"
"There is actually an officer waiting over there for us. Thank you again."
I could see the tears in his eyes. "Take care." With that they left. I watch them leave, but my mind is elsewhere. Miss. Redwood.

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