Chapter 4

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POV: Peyton

Of course there will be a second day of court. At least I didn't fail yet. I make my way out of the courthouse, only to run into All Might. I try to avoid him, but he saw me. He then waved. I had to interact now. "Why where you here?" I ask him.
"Well I figure I would be support."
"You just wanted to see me fail."
"You did great out there. Why would you fail?"
"It was my first day." I look down kinda embarrassed. "I was late, and so nervous up there. And You being there wasn't helping!"
"If I knew showing up would get this reaction from you, I would of stayed home."
"Well I don't like you, remember. So it was obvious I wouldn't want you here."
"Don't you have anything better todo with your time rather then stalking me?"
"I scheduled this in advice." He chuckles. "Actually I'm going to be late for a class."
"Well don't let me keep ya then." I roll my eyes. I try to walk away, but his arm blocks my path. "What?"
"I wanted to tell you that I got a cellphone."
"Yeah, my buddy Dave made it." He pulls out a red phone.
"Oh wow. That looks so new. Like wears the antenna?"
"It doesn't need one. Either way, I decided you might need my number."
"Wait, is this Dave a tech man for heroes?"
"So heroes have access to newer technologies before the public. How is that fair?"
"Well we need it to help keep everyone safe."
"You need a cellphone? No. That's for personal gain."
"I guess if you look at it like that... So about my number..."
"I have to go. My senior partner on the case wants to get a late lunch. Don't come tomorrow." I quickly walked away. If I ever met this Dave, he is making me a phone. Mr. Brisk was waiting by his car.
"So is that your boyfriend?" He asks as he opens the door for me.
"God no. So where are we going?"
"I know a nice place downtown."
"That works for me." The ride was quiet, I look at the photo he has on his dash. "Are these your kids?"
"Ahh, yeah... They are."
"How old are they?" The Girl looks like a teenager while the Boy is still little.
"The boy is 8, while the Girl is 13." He seems to not want to talk about them. I set the picture back. "So Miss Redwood. How about you tell me about yourself."
"Oh, not much to say. I'm very boring."
"I doubt that. What's your quirk?"
"Well... I don't have one."
"What's your quirk?"
"Smell. I can smell everything. Almost was hired as a bloodhound once." He chuckles.
Hanging with All Might would of been better. "That's a cool quirk."
"Yeah, unless you smell the neighbor cooking and is sad your not having that great of a meal." He smiles.
"Yeah that must suck."
"Look, we made it." He pulls into an empty parking spot. We headed inside, and found a table. I pull out my papers. While we wait for the food, we discussed the case. Once the food arrived, we put the papers away.
"So how long have you been with the firm?"
He finished chewing. "Well, let's see. It's 1995 right?"
"Then I'm going on 15 years."
"Oh wow. You normally do the big cases tho?"
"Yes, but I like the help the newest member go up. A few cases with me, and you will be a pro."
"You must have a lot of power then. How will do you know the CEO?"
"She is hardly ever in town. So it's hard to say." He takes a bite of his chicken.
"So I got my next case. The kidnapping of the Waterpipe Twins."
He almost choked on his chicken. "R-Really?!"
"Yeah. I was surprised I got such a case. I already had a meeting with the arresting hero."
"Well then. You seem set."
"Oh! But I'm definitely not ready to do it on my own."
"Well I'm willing to be your partner again."
"I would like your help."
He claps his hands together. "Well, do you have it with you? We could kill two birds with one stone if ya do."
"I think it's in my bag." I start to look through my bag. He moved his chair closer to me. Our shoulders touching. His hand resting on my leg. Only for a second, because when I pulled out the file he moved his hand.
He flips it open. "So All Might again... You actually got the interview with him."
"I did. My notes are on the next page."
He flips the page. Scanning the words. "He is the arresting hero for our current case, maybe he would like to go on stand and testify."
Working with All Might again... Yay. "I could ask him."
"Do you have his number?"
Sadly... "Yes I do."
"Well call him now."
"He is in a class. I can do it later."
We talk for a while about the cases.  I then checked my watch and saw it was getting late. I mean we came for lunch, and it's already 5:47pm. We parted ways. He tried to offer me a ride him, but I refused.

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