Chapter 3

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This is your court look. Yes I know. I have a problem. I used the Love Nikki app again. Also, have you read Why Me yet.

POV: Toshinori

I hung up the phone..... Shit! We never set a time. Does that mean now? I have class later, so it better be now. I'm going as All Might, so I'll need to put on my suit....
I was making my way to Third St, when vines started to come from the sewer. People started to scream and run. I saw one of the vines was holding a large black bag. Suddenly they came at me. I'm going to be late. Of course, I can take a house plant.
It wasn't a bad fight. It was done within 10 minutes. Of course all my fans came out to see me. I smiled, and tried my best to get away from them. Once I made it to Third St, and I start to look for the café. There was this small building surrounded by the city. A few tables outside. I also see a certain lawyer reading a case file. Seeing her in daylight, just makes her more of a beauty. She must have men lined up for just 5 minutes of her time. I brushed some dirt off of me, then start towards her table. Suddenly these kids started to run around my feet. One went through my legs, and tripped me. I actually fell to. I hit the ground. I'm laying there. This is embarrassing. I lift my head, and see heels. My eyes go up a little more, and I see Legs. They are crossed, and have a dark gray tights on. But dam. "So All Might was Defeated by kids." That voice snapped me out of my trance. I shake my head. Then I stand up.
"I wasn't defeated by kids." Now both of them where clinging to my legs. "Where are your parents?" I ask them.
They just laughed, and tried to use me as a jungle gym. "Do you not like kids?" She asked. She put down the case file.
"I like them..."
"Your doing a swell job proving that." She rolls her eyes.

POV: Peyton

"Your doing a swell job proving that." I rolls my eyes. Suddenly his smile becomes bigger, and he became less stiff. He then started to play with the kids. Shit! I'm a sucker for a man that's good with kids. I don't like him! But he would make a great father... I don't like him! "Either way. Kids run off now." I look down at my papers. "We need to go over the basics first. When your ready let me know."
The kids run off. "Are you drinking anything?"
"What?" I look up to him.
"Well your at a café and I don't see a drink on the table. Or even a pastry for that matter."
"Observant I see. I was waiting for you before I ordered anything."
"And I thought you hated me. I'm flattered."
"Actually because this is for business, the law firm is paying. I still hate you."
"Good to know!" He chuckles.
I wave my hand out, and waitress came over. "Can I have a (drink- Coffee, tea, soda. You pick.). Oh and a piece of that apple pie."
She turns to him.  "And what can I get for you handsome?" She smiled. She likes him.
"I'll just do coffee. Black."
"Ok, I'll be right back." She turned on her heels. As she walked away, she was hoping he was checking her out.
"Do you get that a lot?"
"What do you?"
"She was flirting with you. Do all girls do that?"
"Some men too." He then chuckles.
"It's the 90's."
His face goes red. "I-I don't take them home. I'm not into men."
"Oh, it's just the girls then."
"Ye- Wait, No!"
"Must of broken a few beds by now."
"I don't have time for relationship, and I have a reputation to build. I can't be known as a one night stand. Now enough about me."
"Fine." I see the waitress coming back. She unbuttoned her top some more. She wants him to look.
"Here we go." She leans in, to set our stuff on the table. She is practically shoving her breast in his face! Is he going to look? She turns towards him, still leaning in. She puts her hand on his shoulder. "If you need anything else, let me know."
At the very last second before she left, I saw his eyes look. He isn't using the right head to think. I roll my eyes. "By your rules, you can look, you just can't touch. How sad."
"How does your boyfriend put up with you?" He asks.
I chuckle. "I don't have time for a boyfriend. Now the case."
After the meeting, I went home. I got enough information. I stopped by Miss Hammers, and got PoodeeToodee. Now all I can hope is that I don't have to see him again for a long time.

 Now all I can hope is that I don't have to see him again for a long time

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Monday: 8:14am

I roll over in bed. The sun hits my face. I open my eyes, and look at my alarm clock... "Shit! I forgot to set it last night!" I hope out of bed, and jump into a cold shower. I then hopped out, and slid on some water. I land on my back. Ow! After hurting myself, I ran to my room. I start going through my clothes. Where is my dress! Where is it! I can't find it. What did I do with it last! Fine, this will work. A grabbed a simple dress. I then put on my blazer, some tights, and my heels. (Imagine above) I then grabbed my bag, and ran to the door. I grabbed my hair brush, and a few hair ties too. "Hey! PoodeeToodee, ready to go to Mrs. Hammers for the day!" Slowly my dog came out of the bed room. I have a 30mins bus ride, and 33 minutes to get there. Shit. I then kicked off my heels, and picked them up. Ok I'm carrying a lot. I then ran down the stairs, and down the road. Morning jog, check. Three blocks later, and I make it to the bus stop. I had to shout to the last person to hold it. I finally get on. I set my stuff down, then I put back on my heels, and started to brush my hair. I put it up. Nothing to fancy, just something nice for court. I start to organize my stuff. Ok. This is happening. I looked at my watch. I'm cutting it close but I will make it. The bus finally stops next to the courthouse. I get off, and make my way inside. Media was everywhere. Some asked me what case I was on, and I just smiled and said no questions. Kinda felt big and important. I made it inside the room. I see where I have to sit, and I go up. The judge isn't here yet. I look around the room. I see a few people from my office here, and then I saw it. The blonde hair that defies gravity. What the hell is he doing here. Ok, don't stare. I look over to my senior partner on the case. I then go over the stuff with him. I set everything up.

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