Chapter 2

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How many people have read my other story, "Why me". I highly suggest that you check it out.

POV: Peyton

All Might stood before me. "Miss Peyton, I cant li.... Do you smell that?" Suddenly this smell of rotten eggs fills my nose. Now All Might is my basset hound, PoodeeToodee.

I open my eyes to see my dogs ass a few inches from my face. "GROSS!" She had farted... She looked at me, then went back to sleep. "You live up to your name." I looked over at my alarm clock... It's 10:37! I jumped out of bed, and ran to my answering machine. I hit the button, and waited.
Suddenly the CEO of the law firm voice spoke. 'Miss Redwood. I'm reaching out to inform you that because of last night your court date has been pushed back. It will be Next Monday at 9am sharp. Also because the office was destroyed, Im giving everyone another case to work from home. I'm sending the case by carrier. Good luck.'
I was shaking. The CEO, the head lady just left me a message. She knows my name. And she wished me luck. Maybe she said that to everyone, but she could of had the senior partner on the case call, no she did. Wait, by carrier! I run and grab my bath robe, and my slippers. I then ran down to the front desk. James doesn't like me, so I avoid coming to the front desk. I round the counter, and saw he was arguing with a man that was holding a clipboard and a large envelope. I ran up to them. "Excuse me." I was out of breath.
"What!" James was pissed.
"Um, I have a letter coming by carrier."
"Oh, Peyton Redwood." Said the man with the clipboard.
"Sign here."
He passed me the clip board. James was giving me the evil eye. I signed it, and hand it back. "There."
"Ok, and this is yours." He hands me the envelope."
"Thank you." I then turn to James. "I got work to do now." I then walked back upstairs. He hates me because he tried to get into my law firm and was denied. Now he is stuck as the front desk for my apartment. Once I got back to my apartment, I closed the door, then did a little victory dance. This is my second case! I go to my room, and wave the envelope around. "I got a second case!" PoodeeToodee just stares at me. I open the envelope. "Let's see what I got." I pull out the paper, and read it carefully. "I. Got. The. Kidnapping. Case!" I start to jump around. "This has been in the news like crazy! It's literally a big deal, and I'm the lawyer! This will make my career!" Ok. So who is the hero that found them? I skim the page. I froze when I was the name. "No!" PoodeeToodee looks at me. "All Might is the hero." I fell onto my bed. This is why I got his number, but I didn't think I would be seeing him already! I look up at PoodeeToodee. "Do you want the case?"
She got up, and left the room. "Love ya too!" Ok. I'll get my cellphone, and call him. Then I'll get dressed for the day. I got up, and grabbed my bag. I dig through it, until I find my phone. I then find the paper with his number. I dialed the number, and waited while it rang.
"Hi, All..."
'Haha Sorry this is the answering machine. So leave your message after the beep!' *Beep*
"Are you fucking kidding me! That's the lamest Message I've ever heard. You need to change that! But that's not while I'm calling. I'm calling about a case I have, and your the hero that arrested them. So call me back at this number. 555-7729. Bye!" Why did his message piss me off! Why did I yell bye! It's whatever. I go to my bathroom, and start to the shower. I put the cellphone down on the shelf. If I rings I'll hear it. I take my PJs off, and throw them in the basket. I then hope in the water. It's still cold, but it starts to heat up. Stupid hot water. I wash up by body, then I get my shampoo. I pour some in my hand, then started to massage it into my hair. Suddenly my cellphone start to ring. I put my hands in the water to get the shampoo off of them. I then shook them, then popped my head and arm out of the shower. I grabbed my cellphone, and answered it. "Hello."
'Hey, I got your message....'
"Yes. I got a new case today, and was wondering if we could met up?"
'Is there water running? I can barely here you.'
I turn off the water. "Yes, I was just showering....." He is silent. He better not be thinking about me! "I was just showering my dog. She got into some mud!"
'Oh, I thought for a second you had said you were showering. Haha.' He gave an awkward chuckle.
"Either way, I got a new case, and I need to met up with you."
'What's the case?'
"The kidnapping of the Waterpipe Twins."
'Oh, yeah. We can met up. Is your office open?'
"Actually we are working from home right now."
'Well I could come over...'
"How about we met at the cafe on Third street."
"Ok. Also change your fucking answering machine message!" I then hung up. I finished my shower, then I got dressed. This is business, so I have to dress for business. I put my hair in a bun. I grab my tights, my red tie, my black skirt, and I get dressed.

 I grab my tights, my red tie, my black skirt, and I get dressed

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(Yes, I used the Love Nikki app. But this is the outfit I have in my mind.)

I look in the mirror. Business attire, check. I grab my bag, and put my papers in it. Anything else... I can't forget the cellphone. Ok. I walk to my front door. "PoodeeToodee! Ready to go to Mrs. Hammers?!" Suddenly my dog came running to the door. She was so excited. Mrs. Hammer is the little old lady that watches her for me. If I'm out late, she will keep her until nine then bring her home. I do her grocery shopping for her, since her husband died last year. I opened the door, and PoodeeToodee followed. We go down two doors, and knock. I then open the door and PoodeeToodee goes in. I head down the stairs, and out the side door. Ok. I have time. I'll just walk there. After a few blocks, I made it there. I don't see him, so I found a seat outside, in a sunny spot. I pull out my case so that I can go over it. I need to know something about it before he shows up. I cross my legs, and start to read everything.

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