"Tim i.." I hang my head low in shame, refusing to look him in the eyes, "I dont know if I can tell you, I dont want you to hate me after this.."

Tim clears his troat, a pleasing expression hangs heavy on his features as he fidgets with his fingers. " y/n, just tell me, please."

Tears prick my eyes as I try to add up the words to explain what ive done while staring intently at the ground as an ant scurries past towing a small seed.

Moments pass, the air around us growing heavier by the second.

"Tim, I um.. I killed her.. I killed my mom" I quietly blurt out as a scoot away from him holding my head in my hands, trembling while keeping my guard up, fearing he will hit me or shout.

"You what?" His voice sounds slightly strained and louder than before. I could hear a light waver in his words. "you did what?!"

I choke out a few sobs as I hold my head in my hands, bringing my knees to my chest, my heart pounding in my ears. "I killed her.. She was yelling and trying to hit me, she does every day, my dad went missing and I think hes dead too, I lost it Tim. I couldn't take it anymore, I'm sorry.. so sorry."

Tim is completely silent a slight shuffling sound coming from his boots slightly shifting. Its silent for a moment, his breaths heavy and wavering. I sit for a moment but nothing, I take it as my que to leave, "Im.. Gonna go"

I stand glancing at Tim whose face is struck with something that looks like both confusion and disbelief, his eyes watching my every move.

"y/n... " He speaks quietly again, a harsh tone present, grabbing my wrist lightly but with enough force to cause me to stop walking.
"Dont speak to me again, I wont tell anyone but.. forget you even knew my name" His grip tightens then he harshly lets go pusing my arm into my side as I stumble slightly.

I stare, completly in shock for what he just said

This is Tim, Tim! The man I've known for months maybe even a year now, my best and only real friend, he knows things about me that nobody can even hope of knowing.

The man who helped me through my tough times and supported my every move. Tears begin streaming down my face as my bottom lip slightly trembles, "What..?"

"Leave y/n, before I have to force you" His face now holds anger and distress as he stands abruptly advancing towards me, pushing me out of the tunnel with a harsh push, and starts  walking the opposite direction, harshly pushing the branches and leaves out of his way. "goodbye, y/n"

Still standing like a deer in headlights I watch his retreating figure disappear into the trees, pushing leaves and branches out of his path.

"Tim.." I quietly turn and begin walking aimlessly in the woods, trying to follow him.

this cant be it right? He cant leave yet, I had ho much more I want to do with him. I wanted to go see the ocean, eat ice cream while joking about life and our troubles.

I wanted to know what his interests are, get closer to him and know what it feels like to have a real friend that I can rely on knowing they wont dissapear without a trace. I dont want to be abandoned again.. what am I going to do..?

I began rushing through the dense green forest, the winding and twisting path it leads. Heaving and crying wasn't helping me, I could hardly see through my tears.

I dont know how long I've been running now, maybe an hour, two? I havent been able to get even a trace of his presence anywhere. My heart pounds lightly in my chest, drowning out the chirping of the birds and rustling of the leaves.

My vision gets blurry again as new tears come to soak my cheeks and redden my burning eyes. I slump into the forest floor, a stick roughly jabbing my side making me uncomfortable but I didnt care, i just wanted to die, right then and there.

I've lost everything, Tim was all that I had left and now he has given up on me too. I scared him off.. he hates me.

Even if I do find him, what am I going to say? "Oh yeah, I'm sorry I followed you after you said you wanted nothing to do with me" hah pathetic

What am I going to do....

I curl up tighter and begin to heavily sob, tears staining the dirt and creating mud, my body begins to tremble and I grip onto my clothing tightly, letting out a loud choked sob as I tightly close my eyes and bare my teeth.

Why have I done this?

I cant go home

I cant go back to the store where I met him

I cant see him

I cant talk to him

I cant message him

I cant go back to the tunnel

I cant see past my tears

I cant hear past the pounding of my heart

I cant walk through this pain and trembling of my body

Is this my punishment?

For being so horrible?

For being a mistake in everyone's but his eyes?

For being a monster?

A murderer?

A coward?

I'm hungry, tired and alone. I sit up and rub my bloodshot eyes, running a hand through my matted hair, "what am I going to do?" I mumble to myself, taking in my surroundings.

A small sigh escapes my chapped lips. I decide, since I cant go home that I'll just lay here and sleep, let an animal get me, I dont care. Death is welcomed to invite me in for a nice cup of coffee.

Looking up, I can see through the dense trees and vividly see the clouds, now a light shade of orange and pink. Meaning its beginning to become night.

How long have I been out here?

I gather a few branches with a generous amount of leaves on them to use as a makeshift blanket as I lay down in the dirt to sleep not caring about the many bugs crawling around me.

  I dont care anymore, I have nothing left to lose but myself and even then,it doesnt matter.

I lay awake, listening to the many things lurking in the forest, the owls hoots. Listening to the birds chirping their last song before slumber, returning to their nests and trees, awaiting their busy days tomorrow.

I watch the moon, wishing it could pick me up and take me away from this hell I reside in and allow me to sleep peacefully without any fears or worry.

I lay there, thinking about how nice it would be to fly, not a care about the world below me or even above me. Some day.. I hope to feel like I'm flying if only just once, for a moment, a fragment of time, one day..

My eyes begin to feel heavy, the air around me, a comfortable temperature with only a slight chill as the wind picks up.

Soon enough I succumb to slumber and begin my sleep.

I dont want to wake up, not again..

 Fear- (tim wright) masky x reader Where stories live. Discover now