The disaster(not a chapter)

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For the one person that wanted the written out storytime...

So, Im sure i should start this from the beginning.

Sit down, make yourself some tea, grab a snack. This will be a long journey. A story of false hope and betrayal. A true story at that. Good luck and happy reading.. A stangers past year. 

~Your author 

 As most of you know, I moved across the country, Washington to Kentucky. Crazy, a state drop. I was excited to meet my Aunt,her boyfriend, his kid and my three cousins. My part of the family were under the impression that Jen(not her real name, or is it? It is) was being abused mentally by her bf Mike- that is his real name. She told us her MS was terrible, she couldnt handle working and was in a lot of pain. I had won a lawsuit against a man who hit my school bus at almost 90mph back in 2019, I got the money last year as i turned 18. She begged us to come down and move in with her until we got on our feet… so we did. 

I was an amazing trip, i saw so many things, finally visited my home town for the first time in at least 4 years. Saw my grandparents graves for the first time. Shed some tears with my mom. As we left their graves we saw two ospreys, my grandfathers favorite bird, a rare sight. That was the day i found out my grandpa and I had a favorite in common. I felt at home for the first time in a very long time, and didnt want to leave but we had to move on. 

I still wonder if My other grandmother is alive or not, I did get to drive past her house on the journey.
As we grew closer to My family i felt more nerves and excitement. 

Once we arrived it was amazing, the house was beautiful and I would be sharing a room with my cousin Tyler- not her real name. We grew close at an alarming rate. We have a lot in common and i felt less alone. We became inseparable and i believe we still are. We would run around in the rain like kids, i felt so alive and accepted.

Before all of this, we had stayed with family before, my moms bio mom was dying and we came to the rescue but when it came down to we could not provide enough for my former family, we were shunned. So it felt so nice be a part of extended family again. 

The little things started grabbing my attention first.the first day we got there Jen sat my mom down and asked for $100 for weed. Kind of legal here. I was confused, I mentioned that that wasnt okay, we just got here and WE are the ones who will be struggling for a while, not them. My mom still gave her the money. They did not share anything they got as far as i know. More things started grabbing my attention as time dragged on,  Small comments and side glances. Avoidence became apparent. I started hearing complaints from my mom. All coming from Jen.

Things like, i wasnt cleaning like i “should have been”. I occasionally would forget to put away a few things. After i started hearing more and more of what I and I myself alone was doing wrong, I sat down with jen and explained how communication would help a lot. I cant know what im doing wrong unless i am told. She told me that she would try to point things out to me. I felt like i successfully expressed my concerns and things would only go up from there. Boy was i wrong. 

I had untethered hatred towards Mike, only because of what i was told, I truly believed he was this terrible person. There was a night he was having a freak sesh about a pile of dirt on the floor, the dustpan was missing. He immediately blamed Tyler and I, saying he would tear our room apart if he couldnt find it. I went off on him. He backed down and found the dustpan downstairs. Pathetic, i know. 

It only got worse from there, I havent spoken a word to him since. 

The complaints kept happening. At this time i was working. Drakes dine in and bar, i worked as a host. I loved the job. I learned how to cook everything, Met the founders, and had an amazing time helping the place open for the first time in my town. The first month or so was also amazing. Until i found a phone in the bathroom. I made an announcement over the in ear mics that it would be up at the host stand. I was called in later and accused of stealing money out of the case. I in fact, had zero knowledge that there was money in there. They told me i would be terminated if they saw me with it on the cameras (the phone itself). That was my last straw for that company. Previously, I was accused of sleeping with one of the managers because i got a free meal from him after i nearly fainted from lack of nourisnmet. He paid for my meal. My coworker was pissed about it. After all of that, i left the same day as the phone incident. 

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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