I Want

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Naomi Monroe

"You're going out with Sebastien again?!" Gianni asks with wide eyes. "That man has been taking you out every day since Saturday!"

I can't help the smile that comes to my face when she points it out. Sebastien completely baffles me. Just a few hours after we parted ways following brunch, he texted me about plans for Sunday and we went out on another walking tour of Atlanta. And every day since, we have had coffee or lunch together.

"I wouldn't call it him 'taking me out'." I shake my head as I respond to Gianni. "It's just that I've been helping him get familiar with Atlanta and connecting him with all the startups and founders in the area. It's networking."

"Mhmmm," she hums unconvinced. "Then what do you call him taking you to dinner tonight? What type of 'networking' is that, hm? He tryna connect with your pus—"

"Hush!" I interrupt. "I told you I'm not about that bootycall life."

"If you say 'bootycall' one more fucking time—" Gianni puts her fist against her mouth and takes a deep breath before speaking again. "The man can want to have sex with you and be interested in you at the same time, you know? And it's pretty obvious that's what's going on here!"

"I know... I'm just afraid to get my hopes up, you know? I don't want what happened with Eli to—" I'm stopped when I choke up just thinking about it. Four years later and it still bothers me. Though, my emotions are admittedly in a weird place right now because of these scary ass things I'm feeling about Sebastien, which are even more terrifying considering I've only known the man for about a week.

"Fuck Eli," Gianni snarls. "Just focus on what's going on now... I don't know, I have a good feeling about this Sebastien guy. Plus, he's almost 40. I doubt he's still out here playing games. And if he is playing games, we can just jump him and then rob him or some shit."

I burst out laughing. "You are a damn fool! I think—" I'm interrupted when my phone chimes and I look down to see a text from Sebastien.

"Hm, it must be him since I see that shit-eating grin on your face," Gianni says with a smirk.

"Oh shit..." My heart jumps into my throat when I see the text message and I keep re-reading it, wondering if my eyes are deceiving me. "Gi, look at this. Am I reading this right?"

"Oh my god!" Gianni squeals directly in my ear, causing me to jump. "He's taking you to SkyDine?! That place is even harder to book than The Bistro and it has the best view of the Atlanta skyline, even better than the Ferris wheel... And he's picking you up! Wow... This man really likes you."

I gulp at her words. "You're going to have to help me get ready tonight..."

As if I wasn't already nervous enough about meeting him for dinner, the man invites me to one of the swankiest spots in Atlanta and I know it costs a pretty penny to eat there. I've never experienced someone showing this much interest in me, and so unabashedly at that. Could it be that this man actually wants me?


Sebastien Laurent

I want her.

I have spent this entire week with Naomi and even when I regrettably had to tear my attention away from her at times to focus on engaging with the startups and founders in Atlanta that she kindly introduced me to, the woman never left my thoughts.

Her beauty aside, Naomi is kind, energetic, honest, passionate, and she's even given me the privilege of a slight view of her playful side. I've been trying my best not to get ahead of myself, given that I've known her for only a week, but the woman is the entire package and more.

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