A Favor

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Naomi Monroe

"He what?!" Gianni screams through the phone and I have to pull it away from my now ringing ear.

"Yes," I reply. "And then he just left me there high and dry."

"Girl, it sounds like you were anything but 'dry,'" she snickers. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I already texted him," I sigh. "I don't know if I seem thirsty or not, but I don't even care. The man is making it impossible to resist him."

"It would only be 'thirsty' if he didn't want you so damn bad too."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"So, are you gonna thank me for making you pack those extra clothes? I knew that you two would see each other again with the way that man was pursuing you when he was here. There was no way he was gonna let go of you that easily."

"Well, it seemed like he did let go because he was saying that I was the one who reject him and he had respected the decision. Then, when he saw me, he said he realized it was 'something else'. I don't understand how that man already seems to pick up on something like that from me. I thought I was putting on a decent façade."

"Of course he saw right through it, girl. That man is really into you and it was obvious even when he was here that he is super attentive... So, where is he taking you? Other than his house or your hotel room, I mean. Because he most definitely better be taking you one of those places after what he did this morning."

"We're going on a tour of the Union Square area and then to Chinatown where he said we're having 'real' Chinese food."

"Oh shit, he's has it all planned out already. That man is a unicorn, girl. He is so on it."

"Whatever, it's just a date. And then we'll finish what he started this morning."

"Don't act all nonchalant. Remember who you're talking to - I know you're excited."

"I am," I admit. Butterflies are in my stomach and I'm shaking with nerves. The truth is that I really like Sebastien and I'm down right giddy to see him tonight. But that same excitement also terrifies me because it's a sign that I already have feelings for him.

"Exactly! And can you do me a favor, Mimi?"

"What is it?"

"Try going with the flow for once in your life."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you like spending time with Sebastien, right?"


"And the two of you have a lot of chemistry, right?"


"And you're deeply attracted to him, right?"


"Does any of that sound bad to you?"


"Exactly! So why are you running away or putting your guard up like something bad or wrong is happening between you two? Have there been any red flags?"

"Other than the fact that he seems too good to be true? Isn't that red flag enough?"

"Only if you think you don't deserve someone good."

"It's not that, Gi-"

"So enjoy yourself!" she interrupts. "Go have fun with Sebastien and don't get too much into your head! Just see what happens when you allow yourself to enjoy things without waiting for the other shoe to drop, okay? Can you do that for me? For yourself?"

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