Are You?

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A/N: Sorry if you read this before I unpublished and then republished this chapter. It had some glaring typos and I took it down to fix. There are probs still typos, but hopefully not as bad.


Naomi Monroe

As soon as we cross into his room, Sebastien closes the door and presses me up against it, smashing his lips against mine. Immediately, our tongues are tangling while he holds my face and I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts one of my legs to his waist and I can feel his erection on my core that has been wet for him since we first kissed at the restaurant.

I nearly choke when I feel his hand reach into my low-cut dress and his thumb teases my nipple. My core only dampens more when he pulls my breast out of the dress and continues to toy with me as his lips move hungrily against mine.

"I want you, Naomi," he says in my ear after he finally breaks the kiss and begins to tug at the top of my dress. "May I take this off?"

I nod and turn around for him to remove it. When he unzips my dress and it falls to the floor, my arms instinctively go to cover myself.

Damnit, Naomi! Why are you being that person? If I am going to have sex with this man, there is no point in covering myself up and if he has a problem with it, he doesn't deserve me anyway. I quickly remove my arms and turn around to face him. The lingering insecurity hits me once again and I avert my gaze toward the wall and swallow.

He takes a step back and it's like I can feel him scanning over me. "Look at me, Naomi," he says and it sounds more like a command than a request. I slowly turn my head and watch the way Sebastien is looking at me as if his eyes are caressing my curves. Not a bit of desire has escaped his expression and in fact, it appears that there's... more? He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and I hear him groan.

Sebastien closes in again and holds my face, the lust still in his eyes. "You are a beautiful woman, Naomi," he whispers as he gently rubs my cheek. His gaze darts between my eyes and my lips and he appears to be contemplating something. "You look nervous, dear... Are you positive that you want to do this?"

"Yes," I breathe. "Are you?"

A smirk comes to his face and he takes my hand to guide it to the front of his pants so I can feel his erection. "I'm positive," he mutters against my lips before taking them with his once again. Chills go down my spine at the feeling of his hands unapologetically traveling along the ridges of my body. Without breaking the kiss, he and I work together unbuttoning his shirt and he pulls it off before his hands are on me again and his mouth travels down from my lips to my jaw to my neck and I can't help the whimpers that escape me.

I gasp when I feel his hand cup my core and his tongue travels from my neck up to my ear. "Are you wet for me, Naomi?" he asks as he uses a single finger to tease me through my panties.

"Y-yes," I choke out and with that single affirmation, something in the air changes.

Suddenly, Sebastien's kisses grow more eager and it practically feels like he's devouring me. My whimpers turn to moans when his fingers slip into my panties and he touches me directly. "Fuck," he mutters as he eases a finger inside of me and I release a sharp breath at the feeling. Holding me by the back of my head, he pulls me into an aggressive kiss and adds another digit as his movements intensify. 

When he finally breaks the kiss and allows me to breathe, he pulls his fingers from my core, brings them directly to his mouth, and maintains eye contact with me as he sucks my essence off of them.

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