Something New

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Naomi Monroe

Sebastien and I have spent most of the morning talking about this whole Dom/sub thing and it has been a long conversation just as he said it would be. Needless to say, it makes me trust him even more. We've discussed my interests, what I will absolutely not do, and everything in between, which resulted in homework for me because he wants me to write these all down on a list for him.

It works out that Sebastien's interests mostly align with mine, though this man is way more experienced than I am and his vocabulary is vast on the topic.

"We can get tested Monday afternoon," he says. We've reached the part of our discussion about whether or not to use protection moving forward and the two of us decided that we're okay with not using condoms under the caveat that we get tested and come up negative on everything.

"Great," I nod.

"Any other questions or concerns?"

"Yeah..." I hesitate as I try to figure out the correct words to communicate what I want to say. "I know people in these Dom/sub relationships do it outside the bedroom as well. And I want to make clear to you that I am not going to water down who I am or turn into some meek person just because of this."

Sebastien squeezes my hand and rubs it with his thumb. "That is not part of my approach and I don't want to change you, Naomi. Your tenacity and passion are two of my favorite things about you. I would only have two rules that exist for you outside of my home."

"And those are?" I question with a raised brow. I can already guess what one of those rules might be, but I am curious about the other.

"First, you are not allowed to call me 'Mr. Laurent.'"

That's the one I was definitely expecting.

"And second, when we're together and I'm touching you, do not pull away from me."

"Okay, I'm fine with calling you Sebastien, but when I pull away, it's so that people don't suspect anything between us. If it's okay with you, I'd still rather keep our relationship private."

"Don't worry dear," he says with a knowing smirk. "I figured you'd want us to keep this private and I am okay with that... for now. As for touch, you trust me, don't you?"


"Well then trust that I would never do anything to jeopardize your career or reputation. I'm well aware of our surroundings and I know exactly how much and where I can get away with touching you. So, trust me and don't pull away."

I ponder Sebastien's words for several moments. I do trust him and I don't think he'd purposely put me in any compromising position.

"Fine," I agree. "I'm good with those two rules when we're out in public... And the ones when we're in private?"

"Those are also relatively simple. When we're playing you will address me as 'sir.' I will decide what you wear when we are home. When I call, you come. And when I touch you, you will not deny me - of course keeping in mind your limits and you should absolutely speak up if you're truly uncomfortable. To sum it all up, when you are with me, I will do as I please with your body, Naomi. Again, if at any time you are uncomfortable or want me to stop, just say so and I will. Understood?"


Suddenly, his gaze sharpens and I notice a darkness behind his eyes.

"'Understood,' what?"

I tilt my head with confusion before it hits me the we are starting now.

"Understood... sir?"

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