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A/N: Hi! I'm sure you wanna get into the chapter, but I have two questions at the end if you'd be so kind as to answer! Thanks!


Naomi Monroe

"Go ahead, Naomi. What questions do you have?" Sebastien asks. He's been leaned against the doorway for the past at least 20 minutes as I studied this secret room of his.

"A lot..." I begin, my eyes still wandering the space. At the center is what looks like kind of a massage table, but larger. There's a display cabinet with toys, a sex chair like that one in the Partition video, and various types of ropes and other restraints. BDSM was something I was curious about, but never thought I'd have a chance to experience, especially after writing off dating and sex over two years ago... but then came Sebastien Laurent.

"I'll answer any questions that you have and I know you'll be doing research on your own as well," he says matter-of-factly. "So, where would you like to start?"

"Um, is this like... a sex dungeon?"

I hear a snicker and turn to see an amused Sebastien.

"Some people use that term, but I prefer to call it a playroom."

"I see... And these toys?" I walk over to the cabinet that has vibrators, butt plugs, and other items I can't exactly identify of various shapes and styles. "They're for you?"

"In a way, yes," he replies, walking into the room and coming to my side. "If you agree to what I've asked, I'd use these on you."

"Wait, what?! So you'd like..." I drift off, trying to find the words.

"It's exactly like I've said it — I would use these toys on you. They'd be part of our play. We can discuss in further detail which toys you'd be interested in and what you'd be okay and not okay with me doing to you should we decide to move forward."

"I see... But wouldn't that end up being one-sided? Like, you'd just be giving me a ton of orgasms? What about you?"

"Not even close, dear. I'd get pleasure from learning you, teasing you... testing your body's limitations. And besides, who said orgasms would be guaranteed? Only good girls get those," Sebastien finishes with a smirk.

When I think back to last night and those weeks he spent teasing me, I realize that Sebastien does seem to get turned on when he sees or feels the way my body reacts to him.

"Also," he goes on. "If you're mine, I'd use your body as I please..." He takes my chin in his hand and turns my head so I look up to him as he traces his thumb over my bottom lip. "And didn't I tell you that I have plans for this pretty mouth, dear? It's not the only part of you that gives me ideas."

A sharp breath crosses my nose and I feel the heat rush to my core under his lustful gaze. I avert my eyes to look at the display case again. "But only what I'm okay with, right?"

"Of course!" he replies. "If you decide this is something you want to do, we will have a very long conversation about what you're interested in trying and your hard limits. Make no mistake, Naomi, being a submissive does not mean you wouldn't have a say. In fact, you'd be the first one setting the rules."

I ponder his words before another thought crosses my mind as I scan over the toys. "When was the last time you did this with someone?"

"A little over a year ago... But I make sure to get these cleaned regularly—"

"If I agreed, would you buy all new toys?"

"If that is what you want, then of course."

I start walking around the room again and Sebastien follows this time, explaining every single item to me in great detail and it is a lot to say the least. This man has definitely done and said things to me that seemed 'untraditional' for lack of better term, but with the way he's so well-versed in all of this stuff, it's clear that he is really into this.

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