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Quan Miller

Nova's ass brought up da situation about mama's motha befoe we got da chance to.

Melanie and ha motha are on bad terms. Ha motha's toxic and almost ruined ha life which is why they don't speak anymore. She's the reason me and sage left in da middle of da night.

She contacted us and asked ta meet up. She wanna come back into mama's life and make things betta.

Da room was silent until I broke it.

"We gotta tell you something ". I said making them look at me.

"Yo motha wants ta make things betta. She claims she's changed and we think you should give her a chance."

"Wait a minute y'all knew about this?" Melanie asked.

I nodded and she looked at nova and looked back at us.

"Are you fucking serious? Y'all went behind my back and spoke ta the women who almost destroyed my life? She ain't even want us togetha and y'all talkin bout give ha a chance?" She asked lookin at us disappointed.

"It's been years, I can tell she's changed. She's yo motha Melanie and she has someone for you ta meet". Sage said chiming in.

"What a fucking dog? She couldn't even take care of her self back then so please don't tell me that she changed if she hasn't".

"You gotta little brotha Melanie". I said making ha flop on the couch.

"We ain't finna force you ta talk ta yo motha but at least go see yo brother".

"When?" She questioned making all of us surprised.

"You finna go see him?" Nova asked.

"Just tell me when before I change my mind".

"Tomorrow 12- 3." Sage said going ta the couch and laying her on top of him.

" I hate you guys" she said.

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"I'm nervous". Melanie admitted.

"Don't be nervous , we gon be right next ta you". I said putting my hand on her thigh.

"Why 12-3 ? What if I wanted ta come at 4?" She said making me and sage laugh.

"She don't stay down here baby." Sage said still laughin.

"So where she stay?"

"In Texas. She took an Uber from Texas to Cali which costed ha like 4 hunnit dollars". I said.

"Why spend 4 hunnit to come down here when there's a thing called FaceTime?" She said rolling ha eyes.

"Shutcho ass up n get out ma car". I said muggin ha.

We got out da car and started ta look around da park for dem.


We heard a small voice say from behind say.

"Hi sissy!" The lil boy said.

"Hi! What's your name?"

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"Hi! What's your name?". Melanie asked while bendin down to give him a hug.

" Malcolm, what's yours?

"I'm Melanie but you can call me lani". She said getting back up.

"Lani you pretty". Malcolm said.

"Just like ha momma, how you doing babygirl?" We heard ha motha Melissa say from behind Malcolm.

"Good until today". She said under ha breath. I pinched ha arm as a sign to correct ha self. "I'm good thanks". Melanie said.

"Thanks for coming Melanie, I didn't think your boyfriend would let you". Melissa said as we took a seat.

"It's plural, I have two boyfriends".

"Oh yea , right." Melissa said giving us a fake smile.

"So how old is Malcolm?" Mama asked.

"He's 2. His birthday just passed a couple months ago. Hopefully you'll be around for his third". Melissa said.

It was silent for a few seconds.

"Anyways when do you guys plan on having your own child or children?" Melissa asked.

"Dis year hopefully". I said chiming in.

"Mmm, I was asking Melanie but it's fine".

"He has the right to answer. If you have a problem with that we'll leave". Melanie said.

" I actually do have a problem with that. Why did you bring your boyfriends along when I clearly stated I wanted to see you not them".

"Well guess what Melissa, I didn't wanna see you in the first place, I just came for Malcolm." Melanie said with an attitude.

" You turned out just like your father. Always with a attitude."

"You know what".

Melanie tried to hit her but I immediately grabbed her. I put her over my shoulder and went back to da car.

" You have not changed a bit. You're still the same ole bitch!" Melanie shouted causing a scene.

I popped her in her mouth and closed the door ...

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