Seme Male Reader X Iceland Lemon~!

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3rd person

Iceland was lounging about in the living room in the house of the Nordics and he was eating a bag of licorice as he always does. Norway had bothered him by trying to make him say "onii-chan" and of course he had refused over and over again and over again until he had left the room and went to the living room hoping to get some peace and quiet. So here he was lounging around doing nothing but munch on his licorice and just being happy that he was alone once again.

Iceland started to think. He remembered that it was (Male Name)'s and his anniversary tomorrow and he hadn't seen (Male Name) all week and he was actually starting to get worried. They had never been far apart for this long and he was worried that something happened. The door had opened and Iceland looked up and stopped eating his licorice mid-bite; there at the door he saw (Male Name) and he was covered in snow from the snowstorm that was going on outside.

Iceland was shocked to see that (Male Name) was there after so long that he couldn't help himself but jump off his chair and run over to (Male Name). When (Male Name) heard footsteps he turned and saw a some white hair and then he felt something on his chest. Because (Male Name) was taller than everyone (Even Sweden, Russia, and any other country) he had looked down and saw that it was Iceland. (Male Name) couldn't help but smile when he had seen Iceland.

Over the course of the week he hadn't been able to be at the Nordic house because he was doing something for Iceland. (Male Name) hunched over slightly and kissed Iceland's forehead. He felt Iceland smile even though he was covered in snow and he was also wearing a coat on. "Welcome back." Iceland said and it was slightly muffled because he was against (Male Name)'s coat. Iceland looked up with innocent eyes and looked up at (Male Name). Iceland could have sworn that he would have melted right on the spot.

(Male Name) was looking down at him with such a gentle look that could melt anyone's coldest heart. (Male Name) leaned down and softly kissed Iceland's lips. Iceland kissed back and wrapped his arms around (Male Name)'s neck as (Male Name) placed his hands on Iceland's waist. The kiss started to heat up a little but (Male Name) pulled away before anything serious happened. This caused Iceland to whine and pout.

"Why did you pull away?" Iceland asked not being able to kiss his lover after so long. (Male Name) just smirked at him. Well there was something I wanted to tell you before I forget. This made Iceland's head to look up at (Male Name). 'Something for me? What is it?' Iceland thought to himself.

"Well you know how it's our anniversary tomorrow, right?" (Male Name) asked and Iceland nodded. "Well, I thought it would be nice if I made this anniversary special...for you and me." (Male Name) said and Iceland was confused. (Male Name) pulled out two things that appeared to be tickets. Iceland took a closer look at them and his eyes widened when he saw what they were.

"Two tickets to the hot springs?!?!" Iceland yelled out. (Male Name) laughed at Iceland's reaction and nodded. He knew how much his boyfriend liked the hot springs and he thought what would be better than that for their anniversary? Well, Iceland may had never been so happy the only thing that could be the same as this would be when (Male Name) accepted his feelings and they started to date.

Iceland hugged his lover tightly like it was his lifeline. (Male Name) patted Iceland's head and smiled. "I'm going to say that is a yes." (Male Name) said. Iceland glared playfully at the other male and This caused both males to laugh.


Iceland was so happy. He could just jump around and laugh and wouldn't give a damn. (Male Name) saw how excited Iceland was and laughed. If Iceland was happy than he was too. (Male Name) saw the train and grabbed Iceland's hand and their baggage and walked inside to settle.

The train they were riding would take them to Hot Springs that Iceland loved so much. They were almost there actually. They only needed to wait a couple more minutes. Iceland was asleep on (Male Name's) Shoulder and every time the train moved slightly sideways Iceland's head would get closer to (Male Name)'s lap.

(Male Name) couldn't bring himself to wake up Iceland since he was so cute when he was asleep. Oh, who was (Male Name) kidding he was cute at everything and anything that he did. When the train stopped at their stop (Male Name) leaned over at Iceland and whispered in his ear, "Iceland. Iceland, wake up. We're here." Iceland slightly moved.

(Male Name) sighed then grinned. He nibble on Iceland's sweets spot and the Icelandic male's eyes snapped opened and nearly, just nearly, let out a moan. He looked at (Male Name) and his face flushed both from embarrassment and frustrations. "Morning sleeping beauty. We're here already." (Male Name) said and grabbed their luggage and headed out the train with a very red Iceland on his trail. (Male Name) smirked slightly when he glanced back at Iceland.

They were awed when they walked into the honeymoon suite. (Male Name) checked his card that was the room card and indeed this was the room that they would be staying at. 'I can't believe someone actually called here and made us rent this room. Not that it's a bad thing of course but wow....' (Male Name) thought.

~Mini Flashback~

(Male Name) and Iceland walked to the counter and there was a woman that seemed a lot like a female America. Actually, (Male Name) could have sworn that it was. Everything seemed like her...Pushing that thought aside Iceland went to the restroom and (Male Name) was left alone with that woman. "Can I have your name?" She asked. "(Full Name)" (Male Name) said. "Oh, yes here it is." She said and read something on the computer.

"It says here that a friend called here and changed your room. Your room will be on the top floor room 347, The Honeymoon suite." The woman said with a slight smirk. (Male Name) blushed lightly and then came Iceland back from the restroom as the woman gave (Male Name) the room card. And they were off with the woman smirking. "Ah (Male Name), you are one lucky son of a gun. You're lucky I changed the room for you. Have fun~!." She said as her male Friend left to their room.

~Flashback End~

Iceland was so happy that he flopped on their bed that they would be sharing. (Male Name) dropped their bags and smiled. He didn't mind that he knew he would have to pay a fortune for this but as long as Iceland was happy he would give up everything and anything for him. (Male Name) thought that it would be a good idea to put all their things in their places and he started with their clothes and moved on from there.

What (Male Name) failed to notice that Iceland was staring at every move that he was making and was smiling that (Male Name) was sweet enough to do this for their anniversary. When (Male Name) was done he sat on the bed and Iceland creeped up to him and hugged him from behind and (Male Name) smiled and rested his hand on Iceland's hand. They sat there and (Male Name) turned his head and kissed Iceland fully on the lips.

Iceland made a sound that was a mixture of surprise and a moan. This caused (Male Name) to smirk and bit his bottom lip. Iceland now did let out a moan. (Male Name) pulled Iceland closer until he was straddling his lap and then slipped his tongue in. (Male Name) was tasting and touching everything, every nook and cranny of Iceland's mouth and swallowed every moan and groan that Iceland made. (Male Name) pulled away when they need for air grew stronger and they tried to regain their breaths back to normal as they touched foreheads.

(Male Name) smiled and noticed that it was 5. And when he looked at the schedule was at 6:30. "Iceland want to go to the hot springs?" (Male Name) asked and as soon as (Male Name) asked that Iceland's eyes lit up and he grabbed (Male Name)'s hand and ran out the door. (Male Name) chuckled at his lover's excitement and grabbed their clean clothes and some towels in a split second before being dragged by his Iceland.

~In the Hot Springs~

Both of the males relaxed in the water and Iceland didn't notice but he was moved away from (Male Name) when he sat down in the water. (Male Name) had his eyes closed and he felt that his towel around his waist was slightly loosening so he made sure that it was secure around his waist. Iceland made both of them wear towels around their waist because one. he would be dying of embarrassment if they didn't.

2. He didn't want anyone else seeing (Male Name)'s body when it was only his. (Though that won't be a problem because a certain woman from before had say them walk into the hot springs and made sure that they wouldn't be bothered.). (Male Name) had a look of relaxation. His sore body was being soothed by the warming touch of the water and he never felt so relaxed except when he was with Iceland.

His head was leaning back and Iceland saw his (skin color) neck and it nearly made him drool. Iceland swiftly moved towards (Male Name) and kissed (Male Name)'s shoulder. (Male Name) opened his (eye color) eyes and saw that Iceland was trying to get his attention but he thought it would be a good idea to tease him and closed his eyes.

Iceland looked up and saw that his lover was in the same position as before and tried harder to get some sort of reaction and his attention. Iceland started to suck a little on a point of (Male Name)'s neck and (Male Name) found it hard not to let out a groan. Iceland tried even harder and kissed down to the collarbone and lightly nibbled it and (Male Name)'s eyes snapped open and grabbed Iceland's hip with one hand and the other went under his chin and kissed him.

Iceland smiled and kissed back and opened his mouth and (Male Name) marked his territory. When they pulled away Iceland was about to pass out with the intensity of the kiss, (Male Name), and the hot springs. (Male Name) thought it would be a good idea to go back to their room. (Male Name) grabbed Iceland and let him change to some yutaka's that were randomly placed there instead of their clothes. (Male Name) was confused but as long as they were wearing something it was better than wearing nothing.

When they walked back to their room their dinner was waiting for them and it was still hot. So it seemed that the servers were just there. Iceland was so happy and when they sat down he started to eat happily.

~After Dinner~

Both males were satisfied with their dinner and after a bit (Male Name) suggested going to the hot springs again but this time there was a surprise. When they walked into the Springs it was really nice outside. Not too cold nor hot. They settled in the waters and (Male Name) hide something behind him and Iceland didn't notice.

"Iceland, I need you to trust me and close your eyes for a minute." (Male Name) whispered and Iceland was confused but did as asked. (Male Name) grinned and moved closer and this caused to become embarrassed and (Male Name) said to open his mouth slightly and Iceland blushed even more and did so. Then (Male Name) placed something in his mouth and his eyes opened and he looked and saw that it was . . .

Chocolate licorice! Iceland's eyes widened and he looked and saw that (Male Name) was looking at him with a happy expression. Iceland chewed it and it was the best licorice that he had ever had. "Do you like it?" (Male Name) asked. "Like it? I love it!" Iceland said and (Male Name) laughed.

"I'm glad you like it." (Male Name) said as he gave another to Iceland and when he smirked at his idea. He moved himself closer to Iceland and when Iceland blushed and looked straight into his eyes (Male Name) then proceeded to bite a part from the licorice and pulled away. "You were right. The licorice is really good." (Male Name) smirked as he licked the chocolate from his mouth.

(Male Name) blinked when he saw that there was licorice was in his face. He looked up and saw that Iceland had his eyes closed and he was in the same position as you would be when you would play the pocky game. (Male Name) smirked and he bit a piece of it and didn't pull away like the last time.

Iceland then bit his piece and they continued this until they were close together. A good part of this is that the licorice won't break like it would when you mess up in the pocky game. They both bit the last part and they kissed. It was a very sweet kiss that if Iceland was standing up he would fall to the ground. (Male Name) grabbed his hips and they started to kiss more passionately. When they broke up Iceland was sitting at the lip of the hot springs his his legs in the water and his legs spread apart with (Male Name) in the middle of it.

(Male Name) and Iceland didn't know how they got into that position and every movement that (Male Name) made their crotches would meet and this caused both of them to groan in pleasure. (Male Name) softly kissed Iceland's lip and then down his jawline until his mouth was next to Iceland's ear. Iceland shivered when he felt that (Male Name)'s breath was hitting his ear and to be honest it was turning him on.

"I think we should go somewhere more private than this." (Male Name) whispered and Iceland nodded his head vigorously. (Male Name) smiled and helped Iceland up and they went to their room.

When Iceland shut the door he was trapped by the door and (Male Name)'s body and he felt a pair of lips on his and his arms went around his neck and played with the soft (Hair color) hair. (Male Name) grounded his body at Iceland and it caused the smaller male to gasp and (Male Name) went inside the mouth sucking on Iceland's tongue making the male moan.

(Male Name) grabbed Iceland's thighs and lifted him up from the ground and Iceland wrapped his legs around (Male Name)'s waist and he started to walk towards the bed and he dropped Iceland off there before getting on top of him. Iceland blushed and there he felt a pair of lips smash with his and he blushed as he kissed back.

(Male Name) tore off the clothes that Iceland was wearing and immediately tried to cover himself. But (Male Name) would none of that as he grabbed Iceland's hands and made sure that Iceland was looking at him straight in the eyes, "Iceland, you don't need to hide yourself from me. You are beautiful in every in way possible. I love you for all that you are." (Male Name) said with smile that never failed to make Iceland into putty.

After taking off his clothes (Male Name) was left only left in his boxers and Iceland blushed when he saw how toned (Male Name) was. (Male Name) smirked and kissed down Iceland's body and was sucking on his neck, chest and anywhere you could think of. Iceland was loving every second that he felt that the taller man's lips on his body.

(Male Name) brought three fingers to Iceland's lips and Iceland immediately sucked on them for dear life. (Male Name) then pinched Iceland's nipple with his left hand and his mouth went to the other one sucking on it. This caused Iceland to blush and moan and there something came to (Male Name) that made him start to pleasure even more.

Iceland thought he was going into pleasure overload and then (Male Name) stopped all his ministrations and this caused Iceland to whine around (Male Name)'s fingers. (Male Name) chuckled as he removed his fingers and went to Iceland's entrance. Iceland looked at (Male Name) and (Male Name) entered one digit and Iceland seemed okay with it. He groaned lightly but there was no pain on his face.

(Male Name) kissed his cheek as he entered the second digit moving it in a scissors motion. Iceland groan a little louder and (Male Name) kissed him to get him distracted and it was working. And when Iceland was ready (Male Name) entered the third and final digit. Iceland moaned not 10 seconds later as (Male Name) found his sweet spot.

(Male Name) smirked and aimed for that spot every time that his fingers thrusted inside of Iceland. Iceland moaned loudly this time and this caused both males to be shocked. It was indeed a very loud moan. (Male Name) smirked and kept aiming for that spot and every time he did so Iceland would moan then (Male Name) thought Iceland was ready so he removed his fingers.

Iceland whined and withered when he felt that (Male Name) took away his fingers from him. (Male Name) smirked and he lined himself up and he looked at Iceland who gave him a nod. And (Male Name) then pushed in slowly in Iceland's tight entrance and they both groaned at the feeling.

When (Male Name) was fully inside (Male Name) was saying sweet nothing into Iceland's ear trying to get him to calm down. Apparently when (Male Name) entered him Iceland forgot how to breath and he blushed when (Male Name) started to whisper in his ear. And when Iceland was relaxed enough (Male Name) thrusted inside and it was slow but passionate and Iceland moaned and hung onto (Male Name).

(Male Name) groaned when he felt Iceland squeeze around him. "(Male Name)..harder.." Iceland panted with a red face. (Male Name) just could say no so he did so. Iceland brought (Male Name) down for a deep sloppy kiss and (Male Name) kept thrusting into his lover until there was creaking from the bed.

Iceland then broke the kiss and he arched his back when (Male Name) hit his sweet spot. (Male Name) grinned and aimed for that spot and Iceland was moaning like there was no tomorrow. "Ah~! (Male Name)! Gonna cum!!" This only made (Male Name) go faster. Iceland felt something snap in his lover stomach, "(MALE NAME)!!!" He shouted as came. (Male Name) gasped and groaned when he felt Iceland tighten around him. "Iceland.." (Male Name) groaned as he shot his load inside of Iceland.

(Male Name) Pulled out of Iceland and Iceland whimpered at the loss and then snuggled into (Male Name) chest. (Male Name) wrapped his arms around Iceland protectively. "This was the best anniversary ever." Iceland said happily. "And there's a lot more of that to come." (Male Name) said as he kissed Iceland's forehead and laughed when Iceland became as red as a tomato. Before they fell asleep though, "Good night, Iceland. I love you." "Good Night, (Male Name). I love you too"


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