Seme Male Reader X Eren Fluff

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3rd Person

Eren was smiling as he walked towards a door that was in an empty quiet hallway. It was past curfew for everyone. It was about 3:45 A.M and there was no one that was awake at this time except for Eren who had made a meeting for him and (Male Name) a hours before during dinner. Eren tired to be as quiet as he could be so he wouldn't wake up anyone that was in their room sleeping. His lover (Male Name) was a corporal and he was the tallest out of everyone in the Scouts, he was even taller than the Commander by half a head. Eren and (Male Name) had grew up together but they were 4 years apart in age. So when (Male Name) was 12 years old he decided to join the military and there was no fighting because (Male Name) had lost all of his family because of those damn things called the titans and even though he lived with Mikasa and Eren and their family their was an argument about it but in the end (Male Name) left with a family crying. Eren promised himself that he would join the military to see (Male Name) again.

Then when he did join he saw the best day of his life.


Eren was walking to the Corporal's room(Levi's) because he and Jean were fighting again and he was going to be punished. As he neared the door he heard two voices, Eren had a giant question mark on top of his head and listened closely, "(Male Name) can you please take care of a certain cadet's punishment. I'm very busy with my paperwork that I can't think of any punishments and plus I cleaned most of the place twice this morning?" Eren heard Levi ask.

"Sure I don't mind. I can think of something so leave it to me. But who is the unlucky cadet?" Eren had heard this voice before but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"It's Cadet-" Levi's was cut short as Eren accidentally knocked on the door, "Come In!" Eren heard the muffled reply and he cursed under his breath before he opened the door and closed it behind him. As he looked up he saw that Levi was glaring at him and then his gaze shifted over to the taller male that was standing beside Levi's desk and was staring at him with a confused look over his features. Eren's breathing hitched as he saw the choppy (color hair) and the dulled (eye color) that shined at the same time. '(Male Name)' Eren thought to himself as he saw that it was his childhood friend and long lived crush. It took everything that Eren had not to run and tackle him into the ground. "Brat. This is Corporal (Last Name) you will be following his order so get the hell out of here so I can work on my paperwork."

"Yes Sir!" Eren saluted and he saw that (Male Name) walked over the door and opened it holding it out for him. As (Male Name) closed the door of his office he looked over at Eren raised a brow. 'Why does he look like someone I know?" (Male Name) thought and then it hit him. (Male Name) smirked as he looked over at Eren and sat down on his seat as Eren looked over at him. "Eren long time no see." (Male Name) grinned as Eren blinked and then he felt tears fall from his eyes. "(Male Name)..." Eren whispered before running over and hugging (Male Name) with all his might. Eren was engulfed by the warmness that he had missed dearly for 4 years.


Eren neared the same door from before and smiled as he opened it without knocking. There he saw (Male Name) sitting on his chair probably working on his paperwork as he looked up from it with a smirk on his face. "Hello sweetheart." (Male Name) smiled as he saw Eren blush at the name. Eren walked over and sat on (Male Name)'s lap blushing as he felt (Male Name)'s arms wrap around his smaller figure.

"What are you doing?" Eren asked already knowing the answer.

"Paperwork for tomorrow." (Male Name) replied giving butterfly kisses to Eren's neck causing the said male to moan softly.

(Male Name) set his pen down and picked up Eren bridal style causing Eren give a soft gasp before snuggling into (Male Name). (Male Name) gently placed Eren onto his bed and took of his shirt that Eren blushed as he saw the six pack on (Male Name). (Male Name) smirked, "See something you like Eren?" (Male Name) said in a teasing voice. Eren blushed harder and looked to the side as he heard (Male Name) chuckle.

"Here Eren, wear my shirt to sleep it's clean so don't worry." (Male Name) said with a gentle smile and Eren blushed harder if it was possible and grabbed the shirt and placed it on himself loving it as he smelled (Male Name). There was something about (Male Name) that gave off this calming loving aura that had this edge of danger that no one could explain why and that they loved it. The shirt was slipping off Eren shoulders and went to about his mid-thigh and of course (Male Name) made him take off his pants. (Male Name) smirked and kissed Eren's collarbone making the said male moan sofltly and (Male Name) hugged Eren and Eren hugged back snuggling into each other and smiling as both started to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

"I love you Eren. With all my heart when this war is over I promise to marry you." (Male Name) whispered into Eren's ear.

Eren smiled, "I love you too (Male Name). I want to marry you too. It's a promise." Eren whispered.

The couple drifted into a peaceful sleep with content smiles on their face's.

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