Seme Male Reader X Eren Lemon

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3rd Person

Eren was walking up to (Male Name)'s office hopefully he got to see his lovable boyfriend '(Male Name)'. Eren and (Male Name) had been childhood friends and they were bestfriends to be exact. Though you see (Male Name) was 2 years older than Eren and because (Male Name)'s family had been brutally murdered by the blasted things called Titans he had swore to himself that he would join the Military to rid the world of those damn beasts. Eren was devastated when he heard that (Male Name) was joining the Military. His parents were shocked that (Male Name) had even thought of it and had a slap on the face by Eren's mother and it ended having a long deep conversation on what could happen if (Male Name) joined the Military and it ended off by (Male Name) winning and there was nothing that was going to change his mind no matter how much Eren, Mikasa, and Armin pleaded, begged and even cried. (Male Name) smiled and kissed their cheeks saying that he would destroy the titans so they could live a peaceful life together no matter what before leaving to join the military leaving the family heartbroken.

During those years that Eren had to face without (Male Name) were hell. And when he was finally old enough he joined the military with Mikasa and Armin and all three of them wished that (Male Name) was still alive and well. After years of hard labor they were finally accepted to Scouting Ligament where (Male Name) said that he was working in. They were every well shocked to see that (Male Name) was a Corporal and he was very.....Very Handsome. (Male Name) was taller than the Commander even and he was just Stunning there were no words that would perfectly described how (Male Name) looked as.


The trio was lucky because (Male Name) had chose them to train them for the next couple of months. It was something that he did to help the cadets and also get to know them. (Male Name) was standing in the middle of the training grounds waiting for the Cadets that Levi had picked out of all the people. You see Levi and (Male Name) were very close friends and Levi would help (Male Name) by picking the cadets that he should help train to be completely honest (Male Name) was everyone's friends and he had many many admires that loved him for who he was and (Male Name) was just oblivious to see it.

(Male Name) sighed as he looked around the training grounds to see if the cadets that he was suppose to train were here and he sighed as he saw that they hadn't arrived yet. He and Levi had a conversation about the Cadets that he was suppose to train there was something that seemed to think back to his past but he had no idea why it triggered it. He looked at the pictures of the Cadets and it felt like he knew them but there was something that he couldn't place his fingers on it. He finally felt the presence of three people and looked up. He saw that it was the cadets that finally showed up. (Male Name) looked at them and furrowed his brows as they seemed familiar. "Okay Cadets tell me your names so we could get started." (Male Name) said as he circled around them expecting them. The girl looked like she was about to cry and The one that was a brunette and foam green eyes looked like he was going to burst. They all seemed familiar but (Male Name) just couldn't place his finger on it.

The blonde had finally stopped playing with his fingers and looked up at (Male Name). "My name is Armin Arlert." He said with a shaky voice and (Male Name) looked at him again and there was something that nomming (Male Name) but he had no idea what it was. He looked at the girl who had a bit of a blush but a glare as well, "Mikasa Ackerman." She said and seemed like she was going to burst into tears any minute now. (Male Name) lastly looked at Eren who was blushing even harder than Mikasa but he also seemed to be fuming with something that seemed to (Male Name) was Sadness. "Eren Yeager." Was all he said a small tear fell from his eye.

Then and there something seemed to click in (Male Name)'s head and his eyes widened with shock, "G-guys...?" (Male Name) whispered slightly and this caused the three cadets to turn and look at him. "I thought you died along with Shiganshina I never thought that you would still be alive....." (Male Name) said as if he was not sure at all. This was something that would never happen; not to (Male Name) at least. The three trainees gasped when they realized that (Male Name) had remembered them! "(Male Name).....!" Mikasa said before (Male Name) could even blink Mikasa had already tackled him to the ground and he felt that there was something that was wetting his shirt and when he had looked down he saw that Mikasa was sobbing on his chest and when he looked up he saw that both Armin and Eren were also crying. (Male Name) smiled sadly and stood up with Mikasa of course and hugged all three of them which caused them to become even more shocked than they were already. "I'm sorry." (Male Name) whispered. "I'm so sorry...I should have known that you three were still alive. It was wrong of me to think otherwise." (Male Name) apologized.

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were smiling and hugged the taller boy not wanting to let go of him. "It's okay, (Male Name) we're just glad that you remembered us is all and now we can spend sometime together. (Male Name) smiled, "Yes, that would be nice." He said and all four of them smiled and started to train having fun nonetheless. Once the training was over all of them went to eat and (Male Name) sat with all the new cadets and had a lot of fun when (Male Name) noticed the time and saw how late he was and had to finish his paperwork.

(Male Name) excused himself and many of the trainees were rather disappointed the most was Eren who frowned when he saw that (Male Name) had to go. After dinner all of the people in the corps were off to bed except for a male that was slowly walking towards a certain Corporal's room. Eren sighed softly as he knocked lightly not to draw attention to himself but loud enough for the person inside the room to hear. Oh how Eren hoped that (Male Name) was alone in his room and there wasn't anyone else in there but him. The door was opened and Eren saw that it was (Male Name) and sighed a breath that he had not known that he was holding in. (Male Name) blinked and stared at Eren, "Eren what are you doing here? I thought you would be asleep with all the other cadets." (Male Name) said as he stepped to the side to let Eren into his room. Eren gladly stepped in and (Male Name) closed the door and stood in front of him. "Um....(Male Name) there is something that I have to tell you....I wanted to tell you this such a long time ago but I was too embarrassed to say it...I-I love you (Male Name)!!" Eren whispered-shouted. This caused (Male Name) to become shocked and look at Eren with wide eyes for the second time that day and Eren was blushing furiously that it if he was compared to a tomato he would put it to shame. (Male Name) slowly got a blush to spread on his cheeks and it was Eren's time to get shocked this time. There was no way in hell that (Male Name) was blushing. (Male Name) never ever blushes!! Eren blinked and before he knew it he was kissing (Male Name). (Male Name)'s eyes were closed and it was such a sweet kiss and Eren kissed back timidly. He was in heaven right them and there. There was no question about it. As the kiss was slowly broke (Male Name) opened his eyes and his and Eren's eyes looked and there was love in the (eye color) orbs. "I love you too, Eren" (Male Name) said against Eren's lips and kissed the boy yet again.


Eren blushes as the thoughts came back to him when he had confessed to (Male Name) and when they shared a kiss. He could feel his face heat up and he knew that he was blushing. Eren saw the door and smiled. He got to spend time with (Male Name) and they could do whatever they wanted because the next day it was a day off and all were happy because of it. As Eren walked closer to the door he opened it without knocking knowing that (Male Name) didn't mind if he did so. Eren walked in and nearly fainted when he did so. There was (Male Name)......with his shirt off.

Right then and there Eren had died. He never saw (Male Name) shirtless and look at those packs! Eren blushed even more when he locked eyes with (Male Name),"See something you like, Eren?" (Male Name) smirked and Eren looked away blushing and walked into the room closing the door behind him and also locking it in the process. "S-Shut up...!" Eren said clearly embarrassed to no end. (Male Name) smirked and Eren went up to him and kissed him full on the lips and (Male Name) seemed shocked for half a second before kissing back stroking Eren's cheeks with such gentleness. (Male Name) smirked as he licked Eren's bottom lip and Eren opened his mouth without any hesitation.

Eren moaned when he felt (Male Name)'s slick tongue come into his mouth and there was a war going on inside Eren's mouth that (Male Name) obviously won, there was no questions asked. (Male Name) deepened the kiss even more and brought both bodies so close together that their crotches touched that made both males groan. The room temperatures got hotter the more they kissed and Eren pulled back when his lungs needed air again. Eren's eyes were half-lidded and in (Male Name)'s opinion it was so sexy. (Male Name) threw Eren onto the bed surprising the boy and (Male Name) crawled ontop of Eren and kissed him again unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it away somewhere off into a forgotten corner and Eren wrapped his arms around (Male Name)'s neck. After pulling away from the kiss Eren was left panting and (Male Name) started to kiss along Eren's neck and there were hickeys that appeared on Eren's neck and Eren was loving to know that he was marked as (Male Name)'s. He only belonged to him and that was enough to bring Eren to feel a strange warmth on his heart.

Eren's train of thoughts were interrupted as he let out a moan and he felt (Male Name) smirk against his lips as (Male Name) found Eren's sweet spot. (Male Name) started to abuse the special spot on his neck and Eren was moaning a lot more than usual. "(Male Name).....Not just there...go lower!" Eren cried out and (Male Name) smirked and yanked Eren's trousers off and with his underwear as well. Eren blushed and Eren pulled down (Male Name)'s pants and also his underwear and Eren blushed when he saw how big (Male Name) was. After seeing Eren's reaction (Male Name) kissed Eren's cheek and softly whispered, "Don't worry Eren I'll be gentle" (Male Name) said into Eren's ear and Eren seemed to calm down after that was said to him. (Male Name) played and kissed Eren's pink buds that caused Eren's head to shot back and (Male Name) teased him with his other hand with his other bud and Eren was a moaning mess. Eren never thought that (Male Name) was so gentle to him and now he was understanding firsthand how (Male Name)'s hands were magical as his mother said to him in the past when she would get cramps and (Male Name) was there to message her stomach when they were kids. Eren opened his eyes that he didn't know he had closed and saw that (Male Name) shifted near him and held three fingers in front of Eren, "Suck" (Male Name) commanded and Eren did as he was told and started to lick the fingers then slowly sucked on them getting them nice and wet. When (Male Name) thought that they were wet enough he brought them out of Eren's mouth and it caused Eren to whine. (Male Name) smirked and kissed him again and slowly entered one of his fingers into Eren's entrance swallowing Eren's moans of pain and pleasure.

Slowly (Male Name) moved and saw that Eren was panting so he added his second finger inside and Eren moaned and gripped onto (Male Name). "Ah (Male Name)..." Eren panted as his eyes glazed with lust and (Male Name) added the final finger in and Eren was begging to be fucked. (Male Name) brought his digits from inside Eren and it caused Eren to whine quite loudly if I may add. (Male Name) swiftly bucked his hips and slowly entered Eren who was fighting back the tears. (Male Name) stopped once he was fully in and kissed the tears that were leaving Eren's beautiful eyes whispering sweet nothings into Eren's ears and Eren finally felt the pain turn into pleasure. "Fuck...(Male Name)..." Eren said bucking his hips and (Male Name) in turn thursted into Eren slowly then getting faster and faster. In turn Eren moaned and (Male Name) was thrusting full speed into Eren and with the tip of his cock hit Eren's sweet spot. Eren moaned loudly throwing his head back, he felt his eyes roll to the back of his head and he looked at (Male Name), "Harder! Faster! (Male Name)! Rock my world!!" Eren screamed when (Male Name) hit his prostate again. (Male Name) smirked, "I thought you would never ask." He said huskily and thrusting in inhuman speeds and as hard as he could. This left Eren to see stars and go to cloud 9. Eren felt the knot in his stomach grow tighter and tighter with every thrust and he knew that he as going to cum soon. "(M-Male Name) I'm gonna cum soon." Eren said and (Male Name) said nothing and grab Eren's cock and pump it in time with his thrusts. Eren faced pleasure overload, "(MALE NAME)!!!!" Eren screamed as he came and (Male Name) couldn't hold on the tightness that Eren gave to his cock made him lose it, "Eren!" (Male Name) moaned as he came spilling inside of Eren.

Both males were left panting and (Male Name) slowly pulled out of Eren and Eren felt how empty he was without (Male Name) inside him and groaned. (Male Name) landed on his side facing Eren and pecked his lips, "I love you, Eren" (Male Name) said. Eren smiled and snuggled into (Male Name), "I love you too." Eren said and both males fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

For tomorrow let's just say Eren couldn't stand up and (Male Name) took advantage of that. You picture what happens next!

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