Chapter 1

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My eyes flutter open when feel the sun hit my face, it was morning. I look over to see Caroline fast asleep, with some of her blond curls on her face as she snored slightly, Elena must have already gotten up to go to her volunteer shift at the hospital.

I let out a yawn as I got up to get dressed. I walk over to my dresser in the dorm and pick out a cute outfit. It was a beige knitted sweater and I picked out a pair of black leggings to go along with it.

I quickly make my way to the shower, being careful not to wake Caroline. I strip myself of my PJs and hop in the shower. It felt nice, to feel the warm water hitting my body. I let out a sigh knowing I had to go to all of my stressful classes. I closed my eyes knowing it was going to be a long day.


I Twiddle with my pencil while I sit through my English lecture, not even paying attention might I add. I was normally a great student, you know I good grades, I studied for tests, I did extra credit. But with Bonnie and Damon gone that really wasn't my top priority.

After school, I walked back to the dorm to see Caroline sitting down reading something on her phone. I put my things down and walk over and sit next to her. She points down with her finger at something and reads it out loud "The Gemini coven". "The Gemini coven?" I say after her confused.

"Yeah the Gemini coven, they seem to a thing or two about alternative dimensions". She says, I look at her confused, I knew she was trying everything in her power to try and find out what happened to Bonnie and but I remained skeptical. "And what exactly is the Gemini Coven". "There this coven in Portland, Oregon, Enzo helped me obtain the information". She says

I look at her still confused by the situation until she suddenly stands up and gestures for me to do the same so I do. She starts walking towards the door and I narrow my eyes at her in confusion. "What are you waiting for," she says enthusiastically. "we're going on a road trip".


I had texted Elena that I was going to be gone for a while, I just made up some excuse that Caroline and I were getting her a surprise present or something because if she knew the real reason she would have never had let me go. Elena was always super protective over me, to an obnoxious point at times, like she would always be suspicious if I would want a boyfriend or if I wanted to go to a party. She always had that mom role going on even if though she was only 1 year older than me.
So even as guilty as I felt about I couldn't bear the risk of having Elena blow up in my face.


While in the car Caroline was blasting music. I stare out the window while my thoughts were churning in my head, Were we really going to get Bonnie and Damon back, What if they're really gone for good, but what if they're not, what if the Gemini coven could help us get them back. I rub my hand over my forehead trying to contain my thoughts.

We arrived at the place and to my surprise, there was nothing there. "Are you sure we made it to the right place?" I say. " yeah I'm sure," Caroline says. "Well, there isn't anything here". I say acknowledging our foolishness to even think Bonnie and Damon were alive.

"Well there post to be something here," she says while walking around confused. As I walking to her to get a better look at the field. She bumps into something.

It was like an invisible shield. I quickly walk over to her to see what happened. "What is it" I say. She looks at me and shrugs, "I'm not sure" she looks down thinking. "Bonnie once told me something" I look up at her as my interest peaked. "she told me that witches could hide things with their magic, like this", she points to the barrier "and it was possible for someone to undo it as long as they had magic. She says looking at me confused even at her own words. "Yeah, well neither of us have magic". I say.

"Your right about that but this is supposed to be where the Gemini coven is so there has to magic somewhere," she says looking at me hopefully. "we just have to find it". She says. "How are we going to find magic," I said completely confused. "Well, Don't you remember when Bonnie told witches could put their magic away. "Yes, why!" I say. "So that means we just need to find something with magic in it," she says enthusiastically. "How are we going to do that." I say. "We look for anything out of the order nearer here," she says.


It had been about 2 hours it was dark now and still nothing. I groaned out of frustration. "Hey you can't give up," Caroline says. "Well, there's nothing here, we've been out in the middle of nowhere looking for 2 hours and still nothing," I say frustrated and kick the dirt, my words came out a little more harsh than I intended. Caroline stays silent for a moment until sighs and nods walking back to the car, I follow her until I stop in my track and see a tree stump.

I walk towards it as I see there are nothing but leaves on it, I push them off until of the stump until I feel something. I pull it out and I see a knife. "Hey, Caroline". I shout and she turns around and vamp speeds towards me."What is that". she said intrigued. "It's a knife, but it can't be here coincidentally". before I could say anything else she takes the knife out of my hand and threw it at the Barrier. I gasp in shock completely surprised by what she had done. But I look over to see a White House appear. I look at the house in complete shock. And I look back at Caroline who is grinning widely, I can't help but smile too, Caroline's smile is practically contagious. "Nice aim," I say, and Caroline giggles.

I hope whoever is reading this enjoyed this 1st chapter.💕

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