Chapter 6

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I am awakened from my sleep by feeling the covers on me being yanked off. I flinch as the sudden sunlight peering through the window hits my face.

"Good morning beautiful," Kai says with a large grin on his face. I slowly rise up from the mattress and pull back the covers back over me, covering me from the sunlight and the view of kai.

He pulls them over me again and I'm am starting to get annoyed by my sudden awakening because of a certain sociopath.

"Seriously what is your problem," I say angrily, sitting up.

"I made you breakfast," he chirps.

"I don't want your stupid food, Kai."

"Looks like someone slept on the wrong side of the bed," He murmurs.

I roll my eyes. Kai wasn't entirely wrong I barely slept at all last night with my thoughts clouding my head.

"Come on let's just go downstairs and eat so we can keep looking for a way out of here. What do you say, partner." Kai sits down on the edge of the bed with a smile on his face.

I sigh letting my head fall into my hands. "If I agree to have breakfast with you will you shut up?" The words coming out slightly muffled because of my sleep deprivation.

"Nope, but you're going to come anyway." he grabs my arm making me stumble out of bed.

I steady myself and glare at kai crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh come on you can't hate me that much," he says with a smug look on his face.

"Oh yes I can and I do," I say while brushing past him heading out of the room, and going down the stairs.

I make my way to the kitchen and sit down on one of the stools. I see a newspaper laid out on the counter and to my curiosity, I pick it up.

Mystic Falls Courier, the big headline reads. I see the date "May 10, 1994" and sigh a little. I miss my friends more and more by the second. I continue to look at the newspaper until something catches my eye. Family Massacred In Portland, I stare wide-eyed and continue reading, "A community is in a state of shock after 4 children were found murdered, one left for dead in their portland home on May 9th." My stomach clenches as I continue to read. "The oldest brother has been reported as missing from the crime scene, Malachai, aged 22." I can feel my skin crawl as I read. As I was well aware of kai's indiscretions it didn't make it any better reading about his gruesome crimes. I place the newspaper facing down back on the table not wanting to read more and see the poor murdered children's faces on it. 

I sigh letting my headrest on my palms but I was suddenly interrupted by the loud stomps coming from the stairs, I raise my head up, and shortly after I see kai walking into the kitchen.

My eyes dart to what he was wearing, It was a light grey t-shirt exposing his muscles paired with black and blue plaid pants.

He walks over to the island and hands me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. "Hopefully, these can cure your grumpy mood," he winks me, right before grabbing a plate for himself and sitting on the opposite side of me.

"So you decide to wake me up at," I eye the clock just above the stove. "7:30 in the morning for pancakes."

"Yup," he grins widely. "Oh and not just any pancakes, there chocolate chip pancakes," he says right before shoveling some in his mouth.

I roll my eyes and decide to take a bite into the meal kai had provided figuring there's no point just to sit here arguing back in forth until eventually one of us gets mad and tries to kill the other.

I'm In Love With A Sociopath {Kai Parker}Where stories live. Discover now