Ch3- before i wake up

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As I walked down the stairs I saw Phil sat on the sofa looking very pale and very worried, he only looked worse when he saw me. I took a seat next to him.
"And here I was thinking the last two winged hybrids where infamous great warriors" the masked man laughed as he took a seat opposite us and a boy in a pastel blue top sat next to him whilst Sapnap leaned against a wall next to them.
"Who are you?" Phil asked as he held onto my hand trying to comfort me
"You don't know me? I mean i know the rest of your family, I'm kind of sad they haven't mentioned me at all." He smirked using a fake hurt voice "I've battled Technoblade and I am currently in a war with your other brother's. The names Dream"
"Why are you here Dream?" I ask through my gritted teeth trying to hold back anger
"Oh so you do speak!" He replies sarcastically as his two friends snigger
"I asked you a question." I told him getting me even more angry
"On you are fiesty princess." Dream replied standing up and going to touch my face before Phil hit his hand away.
"Stay the fuck away from her" he said clearly pissed as well
"I'm sorry you two seem to have forgotten who's in charge here." Dream replied before turning to look at the blue t-shorted brunette and talking in a casual tone "George take the girl then go out to the horses, she's coming with us. Sap deal with the old man." Dream whispered something to Sapnap and walked outside
Phil and I both jumped up as the boys started to corner us. Phil pushed me behind him before speaking to the boys edging closer towards us
"Leave her alone she's not going anywhere"
"Not really your choice is it?" George said a grin appearing on his face before jumping at us.
Instinct's got the better of Phil as he turned around pulled me to the ground and wrapped his wings around me in a protective motion. I heard the sword come into contact with his back and the noise of it cutting into his skin and start impaling his back, then I saw him fall to the ground next too me
"No no no. Phil look at me it's okay look at me, your okay just breath yeah just breath it's gonna be okay. Please Phil just work with me we won't go for anymore fly's if you don't want to I'll start hunting more and helping you around the house. Please Phil don't leave me" I begged and pleaded with the man who's blood was now covering the floor surrounding him. I felt a hand on my shoulder pull me up and away from Phil as I tried to get back to him and then it went black.

I didn't open my eyes straight away, Techno had always said that it was the best way to collect information and remember what last happened when people still thought you where asleep. The last thing I remember was Phil. Oh god I need to get home and find Phil. My thoughts were silenced when I heard talking.
"When is she gonna wake up! I'm so fucking bored I have things to do today, ughhhh" the was Sapnap's voice If I remember correctly.
"Hey! Language!" I didn't recognise that voice
"It's not my fault I was put o guard duty" Sapnap replied
"I still don't understand why Dream insisted on kidnapping a innocent young girl, she doesn't seem very dangerous?" I heard the new voice say accompanied by footsteps getting closer towards me
"She almost killed me Bad! She is far from innocent" Sapnap replied
"Your just overreacting" the man who I assume is Called Bad replied
"No im not! Besides she's apparently Wilbur's little sister." Sapnap replied. I could now feel someone's eyes on me
"Wilbur's? Are you sure? They look nothing alike. Have you ever seen a winged hybrid before?" Bad asked I could hear him getting very close now.
"Apparently her and Philza are the only one's left, almost makes me feel bad that Dream's about to practically wipe out a whole specie."Sapnap said informing me of their plans to kill me.
"It's a shame I really like her wings." Bad said going to touch the black feathers that are layered upon my wings.
Now I've only met one other bird hybrid in my life (Phil) and I don't know wether it's normal or not but we both hated people touching our wings it felt weird and wrong it's like someone coming up to you and they start stroking your arm it's really weird but because it's one of our most noticeable differences you'll never guess what everyone else does? So I 'woke up' just as bad strokes my left wing.

"What the hell get off!" I shouted at him as I opened my eyes to see him and let's just say I was not expecting to be met with a 9 feet tall black cloud of mist with 2 white orbs and a hoodie on.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry I didn't know you didn't like them being touched im so sorry!" He replied sounding very genuine as he jumped back a few steps.
"Bad! She's our prisoner you don't apologise to her!" Sapnap hissed as I looked down now knowing why I could barely move, they're tied me too a chair. Great.
"Where the fuck am I?" I shout at them
"Language!" Band shouted at me
"Oh I am so sorry for swearing please forgive me for not wanting to be trapped with people who are trying to kill my whole ass fucking family" I reply sarcastically
"Language!" Bad shouts at me
"We need you as leverage that's why your here, as soon as L'manberg surrenders your free to go." Sapnap say whilst looking down at the dagger he was twirling in his hands
"Hey! That's my dagger give it back!" I demanded
"Well thats strange cause here I was thinking your name was Avis not Techmo's staby drager." He laughs sarcastically at Tommy carving's in the dagger and to be fair he was young when he did it and dagger's a pretty hard word to spell for an 11 year old
"Where's Phil?" I ask worriedly
"Dead" a voice form the doorway to my cell replies
There stood the famous green bastard himself, Dream. He was leaning against the doorway and was in the exact same clothes as before but was now wearing a very smug grin clearly proud about the fact he'd killed Philza or at least one of his men had killed him. He pushed himself away from the door frame that he was leaning on and began to walk towards me. My eyes darted all around the room at the three men surrounding me I was staring at this 'bad' guy when I felt someone grab my chin and then drag my face so I was looking up at them and their stupid fucking mask. Dream kept his hand on my chin and used his other hand to slowly lean out and touch one of my wings
"Get. the. fuck. of. me." I growled at him
"Oh this is going to be fun he laughed. Sapnap, Badboyhalo your dismissed." Dream told them laughing at me
"Dream I don't know if this is a good idea anymore she just wants to go home." Bad said softly as I looked at him shocked
Dream let go of my face and turned around to face Bad "are you not my friend Bad?"
"Yes of course I am!" Bad replied as Sapnap walked out of my cell
"Then you should know better than to question me and my ways." Dream said turning back to me
"Yes sir..." Bad mumbled walking out of the room
"Now where we're we?"

When I had Wings [A DreamSMP X OC AU]Where stories live. Discover now