Ch6- Bloody feathers

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"Tommy sit down." Wilbur told his brother pointing to a seat next his own
"Will your starting to scare me, what's wrong?" Tommy replied softly as he sat down
"Phil, Techno, Avis and I all love you." Wilbur grabbed the youngest hand unsure of how to tell him the news that he himself was still processing. "Well uhmm Dream has taken Avis."
"What! I thought dadza was protecting her! What happened?" Tommy shouted as he kicked the table
"Dream also- he uhmm- well Phi- Dream killed Phil." Wilbur whispered just loud enough for "the boy to hear.
"What! No, no your lying! Their fine at home! Your a liar!" Tommy shouted standing
"Tommy please, I know this is hard just-" Wilbur tried to calm him
"Just what Will? Sit here and do shit all while he kills her? Fuck off!" And with that Tommy walked out wanting to be anywhere but there.

"So what type of combat does Techno specialise in?" Dream asked me as I gave him a death look and silence "I asked a question princess."
"I'm not telling you shit" I said looking him in the eye
The masked man sighed and stood up, he once again grabbed my chin pulling my whole head up and reached out stroking one off my wings. As i thrashed under his grip he took his hand away and reached for my dagger. Then Dream placed it onto my collarbone before pushing down and drawing a small smiling face. I've never wanted to punch someone more. The bastard looked up at my face again before shaking his head slightly and moving down too my stomach and lifted my shirt up slightly before stabbing the small waves dagger through my side. It was a cruel thing to do, we both knew that. The cut was made not to kill as there where no vital organs near in the part of my abdomen he stabbed me in. It was made to be painful. He slowly pulled the dagger out a smirk now present on his face.
"Let's try something else, I am an enemy of other members of your dysfunctional little family after all. So when do L'manberg plan to attack?" He asked in a slightly irritated tone
"How the fuck am I meant too know, I've never even been to their country!" I shout at him pissed off
"Your close with them they've probably told you all their plans." The man said pushing me back down onto my chair
"I haven't spoken too them in years!" I shout at him as he makes a quick movement and the next thing I know I have two identical stab mark's on either side of my abdomen
"What the hell!" I cry out in pain.
"Fucking tell me now!" Dream shouted at me before throwing me to the floor as I shouted out yet again in pain. I could feel the cold concrete floor press against my chin and the warm blood seeping through my clothes.
"Now I will ask you one more fucking time, when will L'manberg attack?" Dream shouted at me but I barely heard him.

I lay in a pool of my own blood, my once black wings now damp and coloured a deep crimson red from the many cuts the masked man had left on my body. I felt him gently touch my right wing before quickly pulling on a feather, successfully taking it from the rest of my wing as I cried out in pain.

"Still silent." He paused in thought moving my feather from hand to hand "I can't have you dying on me yet. Someone will be in shortly to help you."
I didn't have the strength to reply. I just tried to stay awake but eventually failed and fell unconscious

It had been a few days since since Tommy and Wilbur last heard from Dream and say they were nervous was an understatement. Will was sat in the Camarvan when he heard the shouting going on outside fast as he could to be met with the sight of Tommy and Dream shouting at the gates but one thing stood out to him; not that Dream had blood covering his iconic green hoodie or even that Tommy was in L'manberg when the boy was supposed to be helping his friend, Tubbo too gather vital resource's needed to win the war and save their sister. It wasn't any of that, it was the blood soaked, coal black feather that was in Dream's left hand. It didn't take Wilbur long to figure out where or who the feather was from.

"-EAM YOU BITCH. YOU LET AVIS GO RIGHT NOW OR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Tommy was shouting at the blood covered, smirking, masked man.
"Tommy keep shouting at me, I'll just hurt your sister more." Dream laughed as Wilbur reached the enemy's
"What are you doing here Dream, and why do you have a feather from Avis? She doesn't let anyone touch her wings not even us." Wilbur said trying to keep calm and not shout at the man
"Well, I don't really think that she was that conscious when I took it, but she did hate when I touched her wings. Constantly trying too get away from me." He laughed as though he'd just heard a funny joke
"YOU BASTARD" Tommy shouted at him
"What did you do Dream?" I asked unsure if I wanted the answer
"Oh come on now, I had to do something. Not my fault she's not speaking." He held his hands up in a mock surrender whilst laughing at the two boys
"Dream what do you want from her? She knows nothing!" Wilbur shouted at the man clearly pissed off now
"She knows you! She knows Technoblade! She knows L'manberg and she know all of your secrets!" Dream shouted in return
"She's never been here! Our last conversation was an argument! He'll Tommy doesn't even remember her that well because we moved here and Techno hurt her, almost everyday" Wilbur shouted even though half of it wasn't true it made Avis sound innocent and gave her more of a chance to be set free.
"Really? I don't believe you. But don't worry I just came to give you this." Dream said calming down before pulling out a book and a small vile of black ink.

Dream turned around and leaned against the wall knowing neither of his enemies would attack him. He pushed Avis' feather into the vile and pulled it out quickly before writing his name in the book and titling it 'Declaration of War'.
"Thought I'd make it official. Unless you want to surrender?Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm going to go torture your sister some more." The man walked off smugly before quickly turning around and looking the president in the eyes "oh and be expecting a package soon"

When I had Wings [A DreamSMP X OC AU]Where stories live. Discover now