Ch20- picnics with a side of death

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"Hey George how are you?" Nikki asked kindly as she sat down on the picnic blanket next too the young boy.
"I'm good Nikki just thinking." George smiled back, staring at the river infront of them the salmon where beginning too migrate and Wilbur had been missing since the accident so it was just him and Nikki sat waiting for nothing and everything.
"It's been a while since it was just us two." Nikki said trying to break the tense silence
"Yeah the last time it was just us two was when..." George trailed off clearly wanting to avoid the subject
"It was when your supposed friend murdered Sally." Nikki spat
"Dream didn't murderer her she was a hybrid." George replied in a whisper knowing that the girl hadn't deserved to die
"Why does he hate hybrids?" Nikki asked as she thought more about her friend Sally
"Honestly?" George asked softly before sighing "I don't know but he's getting out of control."
"We should runaway find a new village not ruled by a murderous tyrant." Nikki told him excitedly as she turned to look at him
"We can't not right now at least, Dream h-he kinda gave me an offer." George sighed turning to look his childhood friend in the eyes
"An offer?"
"Dream wants me and Sap to move in with him, something about us being stronger together." George sighed again as he brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them close.
"Oh" Nikki wasn't sure how to reply too that
"He'd hunt us down and probably kill you if we left." George sighed his head now Inbetween his knees and neck refusing too meet Nikki's gaze
"Then at least I'll die free." Nikki replied after a moment "Dreams a ruthless leader he's banished, killed and tortured and he's barely been in charge a year. I've never met him but from what you say I'm glad i haven't and I wished he'd never killed Sally. Poor Will, we can't find him anywhere he probably got lout of here when he could."
"Dream banished him." George sighed teary eyes looking up too meet Nikki's
"What?" The girl sounded broken by this news
"He exiled him because of Sally that's why he's not been here." George cried a tear slipped down his cheek.

George, Nikki and Wilbur had been best friends since they where children, Sally joined a few weeks after her and Wilbur started dating and they'd come for afternoon pick nicks on the river bank whilst Sally swam not ever leaving the water. That was until Dream found out about her and his guards dragged her out leading too her suffocating from the lack of water, whilst Nikki and Wilbur shouted and were pulled back by the guards and George stood there too shocked to stop them.
Nikki remembers how scared she felt when she saw Sally freeze and give up on struggling to freedom.
It was traumatising and she knew that George had let slip to dream that Sally was a hybrid.

The day of the picnic was the last day George and Nikki spoke for years until Nikki received that letter. The only thing that she didn't know when she opened that letter was that she was sealing her fate

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