Chapter 1

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Song is Champion by Fall Out Boy. This is the sequel to On the Wrong Side, welcome! This is gonna start where the last book ended. Thanks for visiting my shitty book, have fun!

Dear Brian,

Hey. What a weird way to start this letter, but I don't know how else to do it. I know you're probably upset that I'm gone, but I promise I'm okay. Ohm has the ability to heal people, it just takes time. He healed you and David, and then fixed my leg and shoulder. I had him leave the rest, he was exhausted and we needed to leave, but I'm fine. I can't tell you where we're going due to safety, and the fact that I have no clue where we'll go. We can't stay any longer, though. I don't want anyone else to get hurt, I'm responsible for my team and their well-being. I don't want you blaming yourself for what happened. To be honest, without you, we wouldn't have escaped. I can't thank you enough for what you did, even though you scared me half to death when you got shot. It was like my worst nightmare had come true. Keep yourself safe for me, okay? I couldn't live with myself if I lost you, especially if it was because of me. We won't be gone forever, we'll come back eventually. And when we do, I hope we can sit down and talk about everything. There's a lot to talk about. Neither of us were honest with each other, and I want to get it all out. I don't want there to be any more secrets between us. Okay? I better end this soon, I love you, Brian. I can't wait to see you again. Be good, okay? I love you. Forever and always.

Forever yours,

Brock <3

I felt numb, almost. I didn't feel my legs giving out from under me. I didn't feel the hard ground beneath my knees. I just felt pain and sadness. The fact that he forgave me was worse than if he would have despised me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, dripping onto the paper. Sobs tore from my chest and I curled into a ball, crying. Ohm's voice came back to me, faint.

"He won't be gone forever, Brian. He'll come back."

I didn't respond. I just kept crying. I cried for what I had done to so many people. What I had done to Brock. I cried because I knew, in my heart, that this was not the end. Not for me, not for Brock, not for anybody.

I cried.

I cried for a broken world.

I cried because I was

On the Wrong Side.




One year later




Brian's POV-

I shouldn't have done it. I really shouldn't have. It was stupid. I was stupid. I quit for a reason, I shouldn't have let him talk me into it. Staring down the barrel of a gun wasn't what I wanted to be happening to me right now. How did John and I BOTH not have a smidge of common sense between us?! Did our remaining two brain cells take a hike?

Hold on, I'm getting ahead of myself. Lemme do a quick recap.

The day Brock and the others left was the day John and I quit the team, despite a very angry Evan. We live in Brock's apartment and work at the cafe the guys used to work at, Cafe Cino. Mrs. Brown really needed us after the others left, but I did discover some money stashed in Brock's apartment soon after we moved in. It had a note attached to it that read:

I severely hope this is you, Brian. Give half of this to Mrs. Brown please, and you can have half to keep paying for the apartment and everything else. You don't have to stay in the apartment, though. Just please take my stuff with you if you leave. Love you, Brian, I'll be back, I promise.

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