Chapter 9

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Song is Control by Zoe Wees. I hate trying to find good songs for chapters but oh well. Not gonna stop now.

Evan's POV

I rolled over to check the time and saw that it was 7:30. I knew I should get up, but I wasn't quite ready yet, so I rolled over to pull Jon to me, only he wasn't there. Sitting up I looked around, noticing his mask and phone were gone. Where could he be? He's usually the last sleeper of the two of us. I made my way downstairs and saw him shouldering a bag by the door.

"Jon? Where are you going?"

"Evan," he turned and looked at me, looking sheepish, "I didn't think you'd be up yet."

"So you were gonna leave without saying anything? Why?"

"Do you really have to ask that? The others are already gone by the way. It's just you and me here."

I opened my mouth to say something, then snapped it shut. Was he serious right now?

"Evan, you know I love you, but this has gotten out of hand. I mean, you attacked two of our friends yesterday! This drive that you have to be the best and control everything is killing you. It's killing us! When was the last time you did anything other than mission related things? You haven't relaxed in at least a year, probably longer!"

"So spending time with you isn't relaxing?" I shot back. I didn't know why I was arguing, I knew he was right. There wasn't a problem with that, though. If we didn't keep pushing, we would fall from the top and I wasn't going to let that happen. If a few of our friends got hurt in the process, then were they really friends? Friends stuck together.

"Fucking me because you're trying to get rid of your anger doesn't count as spending time with me, Ev. When's the last time we went on a date?"

I thought for a minute and realized that I had no idea when our last date had been.


"But I didn't-"

"That's the point. If it had been recently, you would have been able to answer quickly. It's been over a year since we've gone out, just the two of us, and done normal couple things. Hell, I would have even counted going to Cafe Cino with anyone as something, but we haven't gone there since we took down the guys. You were starting on all of this before that, but once they were no longer in the way, it just got worse and worse. You never really cared that they got hurt, either. Did you ever actually care about them? Or any of us? Or just the power that we could provide?"

"I do care-"

"Really? Because you have a poor way of showing it, Ev. You tried to kill Brian yesterday. Someone you trusted and supposedly cared about for years. You tried to kill him because his boyfriend, who was also a good friend, pissed you off. You threw Marcel out in the middle of the night after insulting him! Did you really mean what you said? Because if then how long until you say something like that to me? I'm clearly not the only one that thought about it, since Tyler and Lui are gone too."

"So you're just gonna leave? That's it? Gonna go bow down to him?"

He shook his head, chuckling and turned to the door, "This is exactly what I'm talking about Ev. I can't live like this anymore, so yes, I'm leaving. If they'll have me, then I'll more than willingly join our friends. I love you, but I can't keep living like this."

He left without a second glance. I wasn't sure what to do now. My literal world just walked out the door, and it wasn't my fault.

It wasn't? A small voice in my head asked. You weren't the one who kept pushing him away to get more? Only using him when you needed to let off some steam and pushing him away any other time?

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