Chapter 6

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Song is So What by Pink.

Jaren's POV


I watched Brock run out of the room before spinning on Evan, "WHAT THE HELL!! Why did you push him like that? He clearly didn't want to fight you guys, and you went and were an asshole anyhow!"

"Oh, because it's my fault he can't control his powers," Evan scoffed, "He really should work on that before he tries to be a leader."

"Do you really want to talk about the qualities of being a leader after that?" Scott shot at him. His nose had stopped bleeding, but it looked crooked, "Would a good leader force his men to fight when they clearly didn't want to? Would a good leader knowingly put his men in danger?"

"Right, because I knew one of our old supposed 'friends' would try to kill us!"

"I wasn't even referring to that! I was meaning with the Dime Lions! You knew it was a losing battle, but you wanted everyone on that ship with you when it sank rather than sacrificing yourself, or waiting until you knew you could take them! And what do you mean 'supposed friends?' We literally almost died instead of arresting you! We knew it was you sending us to the chopping block and still accepted it! We're the ones who should be questioning your friendship! At least those two helped us escape, unlike the rest of you!" Scott shouted, gesturing to John and Brian.

"You know how it would have affected our image if we had helped you. It already looked bad enough, having two of our members help you. Didn't matter too much though since they left the next day, and we played it off as us throwing them out for it," Evan chuckled.

Everyone's heads kept snapping between him and us. After Brock ran, we all gathered around one another to show unity. I would be damned if I let any of them hurt one of these guys, even if they were our friends. The longer we argued, the more it became clear that Evan wasn't going to back down, but you could see some others faltering. John and Brian had moved closer to us the longer Evan had gone on, clearly still upset about his jabs earlier, and just done with him in general.

I huffed, "I guess it's clear now that we really didn't mean anything to you then, if you're more concerned about your gang image than our lives."

I turned and walked out, the others following me. We had nothing to hide from the BBS, so I didn't care if they were left alone. Walking into the living room, I collapsed on the couch, putting my face in my hands. I knew Brock hadn't meant to go that far, I just hoped that the others realized that too. Evan just had a way of getting under our skin when he was more Vanoss than Evan. Feeling Scott, Craig, and David settle around me, I dropped my hands.

"I'm sorry if I just made things harder for you guys, I just," I trailed off looking at them like a lost kid.

"We know, and you didn't. You just said what we were all thinking," Craig answered, "Besides, it's on them to try and mend things, not us."

I knew that Craig missed Tyler, but also knew that he was pissed at him for everything. While he didn't blame him for capturing us, he blamed him for not being man enough to stand up to Evan to come help us or leaving after that day, though. David and Scott felt the same way. Scott had clearly made up with Marcel today, but David still seemed hesitant. I didn't blame them at all.

I watched as the BBS slowly filtered into the living room after a few minutes, looking around and being awkward.

"You can sit, you know," I said, gesturing to all the open spots on the couches.

They were slow to settle in, Lui and Marcel fighting for spots closest to us. Tyler kept looking at Craig with a hurt expression, but made no move to try and talk to him.

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