Chapter 12

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Criag's POV

I lost the two men from the room fairly easily, I guess they were more concerned about Evan than they were me. I got outside to David, and he led me to a van a few blocks away. When I got in I saw Tyler, Brian, Lui, and John.

"Jaren took Marcel and Jon back. Jon was starting to have a panic attack from having heard Evan and Marcel didn't think he should be alone," John said, starting the van and pulling away from the curb once we were in.

"Are you guys alright?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, they were more focused on Evan than me. It probably wouldn't have been as smooth of an escape if I didn't have David's help, though. I think the rest of the office was a part of them, like we thought. They were fighting his force field, trying to get to me. Speaking of which, you should probably drop that, David."

David nodded, "I already did. Do ye know t'e way back, John?"

"Yeah, I think so. If you wanna be my co-pilot, I wouldn't object, though."

David chuckled before pecking Lui on the cheek and moving up front. It was weird to see Lui blush, yet here we were. It was a quiet ride the rest of the way back. When we got there, there was a car sitting in front of the hidden garage door.

"Go ahead and open the garage, John. That should be Ohm, Cartoonz, and maybe McQ. I'm sure Brock didn't tell Ohm that Evan was the one that needed healing, or there's a good chance he wouldn't have shown up," David said.

We pulled in behind them and piled out of the van. David had been right about who it was, the three men stood by their car, eyeing the others behind us.

"Hey guys, they're cool, we promise. There's been a lot that's happened the last couple of days," I said, walking up and hugging Ohm. In the few months that we had been back, we had let them know we were here and had stayed with them when we first got back. They lived far enough from most people that it was the best place to hide before we had this whole setup.

"You sure about that?" Cartoonz asked, "What does their leader think about them being here?"

"Well," I rubbed the back of my neck, "That's the thing."

The others made their way inside, leaving me to drop the bomb.

"No," Ohm said, "You're getting ready to say that Evan is who I'm here to help aren't you? I won't do it. Not after what he did to you guys. Not after the havoc he's reeked on the city while you've been gone."

"Ohm," I started.

"No, come on, guys. We're going home."

"Sweetheart," Cartoonz said, turning to him, "You can at least go talk to the others. I'm not saying you have to heal the man, but we did come all the way here, so you can at least go see them. Even if you ignore everyone from the BBS, the others don't deserve it, and you know it."

He huffed, "Fine. I'll go talk to the others, but I'm not healing Evan."

Cartoonz pulled him in for a kiss, McQ rolled his eyes and went inside, "There we go."

Now it was Ohm's turn to roll his eyes and go inside as Cartoonz chuckled and followed him while I brought up the rear.

When we got inside, I saw that Bryce had his mask off and was laughing at something that Lui had just said.

"McQ!" Ohm yelled, "What are you doing?!"

"Honey," Cartoonz said, pulling him in.

"Calm down. If Brock and them trust them enough to be letting them live here, then I feel like I can trust them to know who I am. You don't have to do the same, but I feel like they might be able to guess at this point," Bryce said.

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