Chronicles of the North Sea (壹)

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Chronicles of Bai Qian and Ye Hua at the Northern Sea, Chapter 1:

"Euh. Seawater again. This is why I don't like staying in the seas." Bai Qian muttered, a scowl on her face as she wrung her sodden sleeves, and Ye Hua merely shrugged, "It agrees with my nature. I rather like it here." "Probably should have gone with lesser layers too," Bai Qian added on with a grumble, ignoring what her husband had said, "Wet organza dresses are the last thing I need." "Lesser layers? Interesting. I thought you would only do that in bed. With me." Ye Hua dropped a subtle hint of his possessiveness, and Bai Qian arched an eyebrow, holding her silence, before she exhaled, "Well, I don't see the men here staring away from my very body-hugging wet organza dress now either."

"Are they?" Ye Hua turned his head and glanced to see if any foolish men dared cast their gazes at Bai Qian's figure, just as Bai Qian ducked her head behind her sleeve to gag, and when she lifted her head once more, her complexion was significantly greener, "Reeks of too much fish too. Another reason why I don't like the seas." "Does it?" Ye Hua sniffed at the air, wondering why he had never really found the salty air of the seas revolting, before his face suddenly lit up, "Qian Qian...I can't help but were feeling sick at the Eastern Seas too, were you not?"

"Eastern Seas? When was I ever - oh." Bai Qian had been about to question what Ye Hua had been referring to, and even as it struck her, the Heavenly Lady gave her husband a second scowl, "No, Ye Hua. 200 years is too small an interval." "You didn't seem to mean that when we were doing it the last time." Ye Hua mumbled under his breath, although he didn't dare say more after Bai Qian sent a glare his way, and soon enough, the maids had pulled open the crystal — well, not really. It was actually considerably opaque sea glass, to be exact — doors of the chambers that had been reserved for Bai Qian and Ye Hua's residence, "Heavenly Lord, Heavenly Lady, if you may please."

No sooner than they had stepped into the room had Bai Qian already collapsed on the water bed that had been framed with colourful corals, and the Heavenly Lady looked most certainly undignified as she spread her limbs like a seastar, "These beds aren't that bad. No wonder Sang Ji didn't seem to mind the demotion."

"Mmm. But Qian Qian, seriously. Are you sure you're not...?" Ye Hua barely finished his sentence when wisps of aqua threads had already tugged him down onto the bed, and with a slight admonishing glare and a tiny smirk, the Heavenly Lady kissed her husband lightly on the lips, before she whispered by his ear.

"Don't be so hasty. Let's talk about this after the mission, shall we?"


Since when could she really procrastinate his desires?


"I believe that you've heard of the Soul Destroying Blade. Also called the Soul Destroyer, Soul Slaying Sword, Soul Obliterator, and the likes." Sang Ji gestured at the picture — no, just a very vivid drawing — of the blade, and Bai Qian stared at the ruthless weapon that had been forged from the cruellest of metals, before she turned to her husband, half in accusation and half in heartache as she brushed his fingers over the path of the faded, thin, long scar that covered his torso, left behind by the very same brutish blade, "Ye could you have said you were fine after a blow from this? I've heard of what it can do, yes...but now after seeing it...Ye Hua..."

"Qian was fine, really." Ye Hua assured his wife, although if Lian Song was there, the Former Third Prince of Heavens would have something to say about the amount of blood Ye Hua had coughed up back then. "Ahem." Sang Ji cleared his throat, appearing rather awkward as he broke their sweet conversation, "His Majesty may have been fine, but my men are not. A few of them were rather fatally wounded by the Soul Destroying Blade, and those who remain as the survivors of the battalion daren't go out to fight anymore."

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