Plan to Infiltrate

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3rd person pov:

You ignored Reiner's statement and rose to your feet. The adrenaline in your body wore off, causing the pain of your injuries to reoccur.

"Clean up." You said, wiping the dirt off of your dress. Reiner nodded at you, dusting himself off, he also seemed to be off of his adrenaline as he groaned in pain.

"Why did you hit me so hard? Now we are going to get questioned." He groaned, holding his back.

"You're a traitor, and you use women." You huffed, picking up the cane that's supported you.

"Use women? You are crazy." He laughed.


You broke into laughter that was covered in tears. "You're so funny Commander! Or should I even call you that since I'm some imposter. Watch, I'll bite my hand and you will see me turn into a titan! You wanna see! I'll show you!" You started to shout, biting your hand aggressively. Since you weren't a titan, it only led to your hands bleeding profusely. You gnawed at your hand, almost to the bone before Erwin ripped your head away.

"Stop this at once. You are acting crazy!" Erwin said, pushing you onto the bed.

-end of flashback-

Biting your bottom lip, you tried to hold in your painful memories. It seemed the longer you talked to people, the more memories came back. This was when you decided to stop talking again. You didn't want these things in your head anymore as they only caused your heart to ache.

The both of you arrived back and Reiner quickly headed to his room, changing his bloody shirt. You made your way towards Delilah, and pulled on the back of her dress. She turned around with a smile.

"You are back! Any memories come back?" She asked, slightly looking over at Karina who sat at the table.

You shook your head no, than pointed towards the door. She took the hint that you wanted to return back home.

"Well, I think we will be heading back now. Thank you so much for having us!" Delilah bowed down, pushing your head down, forcing you to bow.

"Come again any time. See you ladies around, stay safe." Karina waved. The little boy came over and hugged Delilah, and than you. He was very soft when he hugged you, aware of your wounds.

"Goodbye pretty girl. Delilah can you come back tomorrow? Reiner wants you to stop by so you can go on a date!" He giggled.

Delilah nodded at him, before leading you out the front door. Reiner was no where to be found as the two of you exited the home.

"Well looks like I'll have a date with Reiner tomorrow. I will probably be out for a few hours." She said as the two of you walked back to her house. You didn't reply and just shuffled your feet.

"When we get back I will grab you a clean set of clothes, and than you can head to bed." Delilah said.

Weeks had gone by and Delilah would leave every day to go and see Reiner. This however didn't really effect you. After all, you still were in the love with the commander, and Reiner had proved to not be a worthy replacement.

Your head lay against the soft, cold pillow. Your injuries were healed so this made you start to think. I need to return home. Well, I can't come back empty handed. I must bring back something, something valuable.

A idea sparked in your head, why not join the military and higher ups. Since you were decently skilled, you would easily move up in the ranks. This would allow you to gain loads of information that you could give to the Eldians. This is what Levi told you to do for Erwin, make yourself useful. Becoming that amazing captain that you have worked to be.

"Delilah, I want to become part of the Marley's Military." You said to her, your voice full on confidence.

"Really? Sound awesome! I'll ask Reiner if you can join." She smiled affectionately.

"No! I don't need his help." You lied. You knew that if Reiner found out, he would immediately decline your request.

"Oh okay, well General Theo would be a good person to talk to. I can bring you to him later today, at least I think. Everything is still kind of hectic due to the recent attack." Delilah confirmed.

You gave her a nod before looking through the clothes that you have equipped during the past few weeks. Picking up a pair of tight black leggings and a nice white button up. It was similar to what you wore back in Eldia during your days at the Scouts. The memory caused your eyes to squint as if you were smiling.

"Well, I'll be back later tonight, and I will let you know whether or not we can see him or not. Have a good rest of your day. My mom should of left some left overs for dinner." She waved, turning and leaving the house.

Her parents had left as they were to go find their other family members who were caught up in the disaster. You were left alone, so you decided to plan. The smarts you have gained from being with the Commander, and other captains were at use. Mike and Levi were the captains that left the biggest impact on you. Both were very smart and were strong in many different fields. While Levi taught you how to kill titans and use ODM gear, Mike hyped up your senses and physical fighting. The commander than gave you his smarts and pride. This would make you one of the strongest Eldian captains in the history of all captains.

-time skip-

"General Theo! This is a citizen who would like to be recruited. She acknowledged that you are lacking in soldiers, and after her family was killed by Eren Yeager, she is very determined. She is also very quiet, so please don't mind that." Delilah said, flailing her arms around you.

"Very intriguing. We will take her, but we need to see her abilities. Are you able to start today?" He replied.

You made eye contact with the general, proving you weren't scared. You gave him a nod, waiting for his requests.

"Okay, well come along now. Thank you Delilah, tell your dad I said to come back as soon as he can." He waved the girl off, leading you towards the head quarters of the Marley Military. Infiltration complete. You thought, following behind the large man.

"So, how old are you?" He asked, filling up the silence.

"30, sir." You replied, keeping your sentences short and quick. You tried to keep your identity sealed, but had to make it realistic. In this instant, you told him your real age.

"You have nice manners. You can call me General, or Theo." He smiled, walking you into the head quarters. "I will take you into the fighting grounds, and the two of us will fight. If you can beat me, I will easily let you in. Here's a warning: No one has ever beaten me before." He chuckled.

The two of you entered the fighting arena, and this is where your entrance exam would start.

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