Just A Memory

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"Left, right, left, middle!" You shouted at the young cadet. His fist flew into your fists softly. "Harder! These are weak!"

"I'm sorry, I am tired." He panted, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Do you not want to be the best? This is pathetic. Why bother training if you aren't putting your all in it? You know what, that's enough for today." You spat, turning around and crossing your arms.

The boy fell to his knees still breathing heavily. Sweat dripped down from his chin as the sun blazed down on him. You could see him become fatigued as his body quivered.

"Hydrate when you are done overreacting." You snapped one last time before returning into the large building.

Reiner sat in the window, his eyes following you as you entered the room. "Not everyone is like you ya know."

You ignored his words and sat next to him. Leaning your head onto the cold window, you peered outside.

"You are going too hard on him. Remember, he is just a young boy who has probably been babied his whole-"

"Enough, alright? I understand. I want him to be a better soldier than I was. I also just want him to be the best and I know he wants that as well. Someone has to fulfil my request." You sneered at Reiner.

"I am most definitely the best soldier here!" He replied, squeezing his fists.

"Only because you're a titan." You growled, rising back onto your feet.

Reiner rolled his eyes playfully at you, a smile covering his face. "Well, we are leaving soon again. I believe you are coming with us, but I don't think we will be on the same aircraft."

"Who said I want to be on the same ship as you?" You joked, placing your hand on his shoulder.

"Very funny N/n. This could be my last day with you, so I would like to make it count." He said, a serious look appearing. He rose to his feet and pulled you close. Your hand fell onto his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. The two of you were just inches apart. You could feel his heart racing through his chest as it was up against yours. His breathing had intensified causing yours to as well.

"N/n I lo-"

Before he could finish, an alarm started to echo through the building. It was the sound of loud sirens, followed by the words, "Escape as fast as you can through the front! This is not a drill! Do not use the back doors, I repeat, do not use the back doors!" The voice sounded panicked, and rushed.

"What's going on?" You asked Reiner, going near him.

"No time to talk, we have to go!" He shouted, grabbing onto your wrist, and leading you towards the front. You pulled yourself out of his grip.

"The kids Reiner, what about the kids in the back?" You yelled over the siren, turning around for the small back doors.

"We don't have time, they can fend for themselves." He replied, trying to reach for your arm again. You dodged his hands and sprinted for the back door. People ran by causing the two of you to separate.

Reiners bit his tongue as his eyes failed to track you. You had disappeared into the throng. He was unable to move since so many people were pushing past him.

You weren't quiet sure what was going on as your eyes fell onto many lifeless bodies. Soldiers were dropping like flies on the back field where they were practicing.

"Everyone, get inside and go to the front. Go!" The cadet shouted. He was helping people up and guiding them towards the doors.

"Cadet! Over here! Quickly!" You shouted, begging your hand towards him.

Just a Memory |Unforgettable Memories 2|Reiner x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now