Just One Night

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3rd person pov:

The bright sun emerged from the windows, beating against your s/c skin. Your eyes fluttered opened to see the general adjusting the curtains.

"Oh sorry about that, did I wake you?" He asked, looking back over his shoulder.

"No sir, you are fine." You yawned, lifting yourself out of bed. You were still in your uniform from the day before, so you didn't need to change. Fixing up your hair, you walked over to the general.

"I'm sorry about making you worry last night. I hope you weren't in here all night. You know, worrying, and staying awake." You sighed.

"Don't worry, I was." The general giggled. "Just needed to make sure you were okay. It is not that big of a deal."

You chuckled, turning towards your door. "Why don't we head to breakfast?"

He nodded, following behind your light steps. The two of you exited your room, following the sunlight hallway to the dining hall. Entering in, a lot of new recruits were sitting at the tables. They all looked pretty young, mostly in their late teens or early twenties.

The general and you walked up to the rows of food and placed your desired meals on your plates. Grabbing the rice and miso soup, you found your usual table. No one seemed to find interest in your table due to its position. It was farthest from the food, bathroom, and any type of heater. The only thing it was close to was a window, and a large door. This door led out into the courtyard and a small pond.

You placed your dish down and started to eat, the general sitting across from you. You felt a warm hand on your shoulder, looking up to see a blonde in a tan-ish jacket.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Reiner asked, sitting next to you with his breakfast.

"Better." You replied, rice falling from your mouth. Reiner chuckled at you, causing him to reminisce on the past. You always talked when you had a mouthful, and food always fell to the ground.

"I'll be off now. I have a some new recruits I need to train. Reiner, you are in charge of Aloisa today. Please take good care of her, and Aloisa, don't be afraid to knock him around a bit." The general smiled, standing and waving a goodbye.

You waved the man off before turning your gaze to Reiner. "What do you want?" You scoffed.

"You to spend the day with me. We haven't been together like this in forever." He complained, his hand finding its way to your waist.

"Stop. You belong to Delilah, not me." You swatted his hand away, standing up from your seat.

"Captain." He pouted, pulling on your jacket. This made your stomach flip. Back in the scout regiment, Reiner would call you captain when he wanted something, or was trying to make you feel better. He knew it set your ego off like a rocket.

"I'm not your captain anymore. Not after you betrayed me." You said, yet again, pushing his hand off of you.

You placed your dish away, heading for your room. The general gave you the day off due to the previous events of last night. With the day off you decided to write down everything that you had figured out from the old man. Even though it was painful and a dread to see him, he would always give you very classified information about their military. Maybe I should see him tonight. I need more information on that man called Zeke. You thought, tapping the feather against your chin. The ink dripped down into the white sheeted notebook. You than began to write a new section.


Appearance:Blonde haired and bearded. Funky looking glasses. Grey eyes.
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Titan: Beast (monkey)
Age: Definitely over 30, probably could be my dad.

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