1. Arriving

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It was the first day and the last year of Hogwarts for me, I couldn't imagine how all of those years passed like a hurricane, I was sitting on my bed and it was 5 in the morning. I closed my eyes and sighed as I regained all of those memories you made your whole years of living at Hogwarts..

All of those years... those memories... fights.... people that died....  I couldn't get rid of those thoughts because it was haunting me... I jumped when someone knocked on the door almost dropping myself. It was Aunt Mary, I had rented a room in her apartment in Diagon Alley.. I was living on my own because my parents disowned me, them being pureblood Slytherin and me being in Hufflepuff  "disgraced"  them and the whole family.

 Adward Bennete, my father, the man who ruined my childhood with abuse. My mom loved me but she still chose him over me, I mean what did I expect? He and Lucius are friends and are probably the most richest family, of course my mother would choose my father over me. 

Anyways. Aunt Mary called out for me, "Katie honey, its your first day. You're gonna be late, also your food is getting col'." 

I sighed with relieve because she brought u back from your imagination, "I'm up.."

I was practically ready because of how excited I were, excited to see Ginny and Noah. Noah is that one person that almost ANYONE could get comfortable with, he is so adorable and nice, we've been friends since childhood. He was always there for me, especially when I wanted to get rid of my family, he always distracted me with his jokes and pranks. It was amazing how close we grew up so fast, he instantly connected with me, like a brother. As I was thinking about him, I took my suitcase and started heading towards the train station. I had already bought my books a few days ago, so I was completely prepared.

-time skip- 

I was running late because of how many people there were, I saw the platform 9 3/4 and began running towards it, my owl Tuiqito started squealing when I started running so fast, and I knocked into someone. That blonde hair already told me who it was and I groaned in annoyance. 

Agh, do I really have to deal with this now? 

I started cursing at myself because of my blind arse. "You stupid moron, can't you watch where you're going?? You have eyes for a reason!" He yelled as he rubbed his temples. "I'M SO SORRY! I seriously didn't mean it!" 

He looked at me in the eye, with a glare and anger as I shivered inside knowing that he would ruin my year.

"Blood traitor." He spat before standing up with his nose in the air and left with a huff.

Great, now I have to deal wi- forget it, Noah must be waiting for me... 

Me and Noah always sit at the last compartment so I assumed he was waiting for me there. I slowly made way to the last compartment and opened the door to see Ginny and Harry sucking each other's faces... yikes...

"wrong compartment." I muttered under my breath and left. Fortunately, they didn't notice me. I went to the second last compartment and opened it, looking at Noah in his eyes.

He looked at me and asked, "Did you see them too?" trying to hold his laughter. I nodded awkwardly trying to ignore it but it just made it worst because he noticed and burst into laughter. 

The rest of the ride went with me talking to him, when I eventually fell asleep.

"Psst, wake up Kat," I groaned "Hurry up Kat! we're going to be late!" getting annoyed, I smacked his face which startled him and he screamed like a girl, I woke up in worry as I saw Noah on the floor very further away from me, trying to reach the compartment's door, "OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY- why does this keep happening to me?"

"Yeah.. its okay, I'm fine, don't worry..." he replied, "We are at Hogwarts though!"

I had finally arrived.

(698 words) I know this wasn't so good but i tried my best.... this is my first time... 

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