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It's Ginny's birthday and everyone was too excited about it.Max wasn't sure what should the party theme be,but it's so annoying,the party isn't even on her birthday and it can be without a theme anyways.

We were now at school and Max was still talking about the party.

"I don't want the bro squad infiltrating our house,pucking in our bathroom,killing my fish."Marcus says and both Max and I laugh.

"Honestly,yeah,why don't you do it at your house?"I ask Ginny.

"Just because you live with them doesn't mean you get to be a bitch to me."She snaps.

"Do it for Ginny."Max whines.

"Yeah,do it for Ginny."Ginny says and puts her arm on Marcus' shoulder but he quickly shrugs it off.

"I don't care about your stupid birthday party,do whatever you want."Marcus says and puts his arm around me and we both walk away.

"Brodie just texted me,let's go."I say and pull Marcus towards my locker.

"What?Why?"He laughs and we both sit on the floor.

The next minute jazzy music started playing and we saw Hunter start dancing in his tap shoes.

"What the fuck is that?"Marcus laughs.

"Hunter is tap dancing for Ginny."I laugh and Marcus puts his arm around me and pulls me closer as we both laugh.

Marcus pretended to poke his eyes and I laughed even harder.

"If you ever do something like that,I will burst in laughter."I laugh and hide my face in his shoulder so no one sees me.

"I will never do that."He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Max told me to plan the party,but I don't want to.Apparently they are spending the day at Ginny's."I sigh and stand up from Max's bed.

"Where are you going?"Marcus asks.

"I have to get stuff from my basement,glitter,led lights,I have to text everyone and all that while the others are having fun."I tell him.

"Will it be more fun if I come?"He asks and I nod.

We both go to my house and I go to my room to find everything I needed.I had a box of led lights,I found some glitter,balloons and other stuff I needed.In the end boyh Marcus and I were covered in glitter and we looked very very weird.

In the end boyh Marcus and I were covered in glitter and we looked very very weird

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A/n:Instagram: @ whotfiskaya

we were friends/ marcus bakerWhere stories live. Discover now