Chapter 5

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Amberpaw stared at the Riverclan medicine cat, not taking in a word that Padfur was saying. 

"Oddkit, are you listening?" Amberpaw flinched at the name. 

"Hey, Padfur, let her get used to her name." Rainsound suggested. 

"I'll call her Oddkit if I please." Amberpaw stared at her paws in despair. 

"Please don't call me that. I'm Amberpaw." She curled up in the spare nest. 

"If you're staying with us, your name will be Oddkit." Amberpaw fell asleep miserably, wishing that she was in the Thunderclan camp, home, safe, loved, chattering with the other apprentices. She dreamed about Thunderclan, and Soundwhisper telling her to decide. Amberpaw's eyes shot open, and she crept out of her nest, and across the clearing into the dirtplace, then she followed her scent to the border with Riverclan and crossed it silently, and she heard sounds of a Thunderclan patrol. Thank goodness, she thought, I don't want to wander through the forest alone. On the patrol was her mother, Birchstride, and Sunblaze, Stormheart, Silentswift. 

"Mother!" Amberpaw called. 

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" Birchstride rushed forward and licked her all over. 

"Mother." Amberpaw protested. 

"Is Sappaw okay?" Silentswift asked. 

"She was fine when I saw her last, Mousepaw too." Amberpaw informed them. "Can I go home please?" 

"Yes, and thanks to you, you were the only apprentice stolen from camp." She padded back to the camp and walked through the entrance, to see Beesting's body in the middle of camp. 

"What happened?" She looked at Hawkstar expectantly. 

"She was killed by Riverclan just a few minutes ago." Dockleaf's response was somber. 

"Come with me Amberpaw." Hawkstar beckoned to his den. Amberpaw suddenly remembered what Reedstar told her, 'you were given away to Thunderclan because of your amber pelt'. She knew what Hawkstar was going to say, and she did not like it one bit. She followed him, and once she had settled down he began, 

"So Reedstar must have told you that me and Birchstride are not your parents. So I am offering you a choice, you can go back to Riverclan-," 

"And be called Oddkit? I don't think so. I was raised here, and I'm loyal to Thunderclan." She took a breath, and continued. "They killed Beesting, and stole apprentices, and gave me away. I don't want to go back to them, ever." Amberpaw finished. 

"I'm not sure you will have a choice," Hawkstar said. "They want you back, they proved that." Amberpaw heard pawsteps, then Reedstar pushed his way into the den. 

"Having a catch-up with one of my apprentices?" Reedstar lunged at Hawkstar, and attacked him, and before Amberpaw could move, he pinned Hawkstar down and sliced his throat open. 

"Now that will buy us some time." Amberpaw looked on in horror. "Come, Oddkit." He grabbed Amberpaw's scruff and dragged her into the clearing. 

"Stonetail," Reedstar beckoned. Stonetail dragged Seedpaw over and pinned him down. 

"Now Oddkit, will you come with us and have your foster brother spared, or stay in Thunderclan and let Seedpaw die." Seedpaw looked at Amberpaw, no fear in his gaze. He seemed to nod, and Amberpaw couldn't let him die. 

"I'll come with you." Amberpaw decided. 

"NO!" Seedpaw said. 

"You've made the right decision. Kill him." He flicked his tail at Stonetail.

I think I'll leave a cliffhanger for today, write more tomorrow 

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