7. the elements

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once upon a time
i loved the fire
it was the kind of risk i wanted to take
i loved the heat of our bodies close
but i knew i'd get burn if i got too close
but i never cared about it
i loved the fire
how it was burning red
and everything was intense
the love the fight
it was wrong it was right
it was supposed to have a goodbye
since the first flame

once upon a time
i met the water
it was comforting and quiet like a lake
nothing ever happened
and that was a problem
i felt loved and safe
i knew i wouldn't drown
because i didn't even dived into it
i met the water
and let myself be carried away
when i noticed and opened my eyes
i was too far away from myself
that current made me sick
i didn't knew how to swim in that lake

once upon a time
i was taken by the air
to somewhere
it wasn't here
i loved how the wind brought you to me
i just didn't expected it would take you back so soon
i fell in love with the air
but it was never there
i knew it wasn't fair
but i didn't care
all i could think was
the air i loved
blew me away
that's the problem about the air
you can't catch it and keep it with yourself

once upon a time
the earth
the stable ground
my base to stopping me from fall
into the deepest of my mind
i could live strong if i wanted to
but everything i do
is crack the floor
i create craters
between us
the earth can be rough or soft
it's all about who is taking care of it
but unfortunately
i burned it like i was burned
i let the water filled my lungs
i got anxious and all my air was gone

to the earth
that was nothing left but my bones

i'll die in you

indigo - poesiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora